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Come and join us as we take a stroll through the unusual and step outside the box to see the world in a new light... Leaving only our foot prints in your mind!

"BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: Fantastic Deep Space Romances with the Stars of Art Nihilism" by Joy Rip is a totally new and different retelling of the famous fairy tale set in outer space. This uglier version of the classic fairy tale is more true-to-life and less heroic. In it, Joy Rip spins a tale ripped from the seamy side of the art world and its players. "BEAUTY AND THE BEAST" -- a literary graphic novel by author & artist Joy Rip -- is based on the true story of an

"BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: Fantastic Deep Space Romances with the Stars of Art Nihilism" by Joy Rip is a totally new and different retelling of the famous fairy tale set in outer space. This uglier version of the classic fairy tale is more true-to-life and less heroic. In it, Joy Rip spins a tale ripped from the seamy side of the art world and its players. "BEAUTY AND THE BEAST" -- a literary graphic novel by author & artist Joy Rip -- is based on the true story of an

An unusual view of the world around us. Shared stories from around the world about unusual observations, ideas, and ways of looking at the world around us!

A way to look at the strange world around us with a new perspective. Read stories about Cryptic creatures, UFOs, the Paranormal, and much more.

these are random people i found on Google for my living with one direction book check it out :) :) :) :) :)

Part two of the graphic novel by Joy Rip about the story of a boy becoming a monster.

“Girl with Camera: A Ghost Story“ is the new graphic novel by author and artist Joy Rip. It is the haunting, disturbing story about the last one hundred pictures found on the camera of a missing girl - a girl with great ambitions of becoming a world recognized photographer and photojournalist. “Girl with Camera” is an experimental ghost story. This ghost story creates a more lasting haunting experience for the reader by using the graphic novel to examine the ghostly fragmentary nature of all

"HAPPY ENDING" is the story of a girl named Hope, a young runaway, roped into a life of prostitution. Narrated first by a houseboy of the brothel where they both live and work. Then later narrated by Hope herself, who has big dreams. A simple story told in the not so simple form of a 528-page experimental graphic novel by author and artist Joy Rip. The book is divided into three parts. PART 1 is the Foreword and contains the first Dream. PART 2 contains the Chapters 1-10 of the main

in my past i had alot to face but when i fanny face love of this boy mixed with my love of anime i came up with this. i life there was a ton of things i did that were diff rent from others but this when it comes to love i have no bonds.