PURPLE WORLD - E.S. (always you kirsty moseley txt) 📗

- Author: E.S.
Book online «PURPLE WORLD - E.S. (always you kirsty moseley txt) 📗». Author E.S.
Athena and Legend had ran off, I didn’t know where they were going and I really didn’t care. She can do whatever she wants now, she doesn’t need me. I looked at the tree bark that Athena said she was making a plan on, it wasn’t a plan at all, it was a drawing of the old pack, Athena and I in the front the two girls and then the boys. I was talking “I found a stone, in the shape of a heart, but the it broke!”, I remember seeing that stone. I would always find some thing to say, some thing that I thought was hilarious, but it clearly wasn’t funny, Athena would always laugh with me. In the picture our arms were wrapped around each other, and the frame was the heart stone, down the middle of the picture there was a crack, right in between Athena and I. Rowan was looking at me weirdly “what?”, I yelled, “I just never thought I’d see the day when you and Athena would fight”, I rolled my eyes “well I hope your enjoying it”. I looked at the drawing more, in little writing in the corner it said “plan: go to the Leaders and kick their butts into tomorrow, with my sister Atalanta”. I stared wide eyed at it, she can’t do that, they will win, they always do “we have to go!”, I shouted, “where?”, I groaned “just follow me!”, I turned and began to run. I wasn’t about to let Athena go face the Leaders with out me. I know I said I didn’t care, but i thought they were going to hunt some lions of some thing, not this! Athena had been acting strange lately, I really didn’t know what was bothering her, was it me? No, I didn’t do any thing until she started the fight. I guess I shouldn’t of said stuff about her crying home to Legend. Athena hardly ever cried, ever, and she still wasn’t over the group dying, she always has this tugging feeling that they are alive, It’s a figure of her imagination, of course.
Legend and Athena we faster than us, well not me, but the boys, and since they were coming. I started to run faster, and faster. I’d be running non-stop till I get there, so will they.
It was night, and warm. I was sweating and the village was long gone, I had ran past the airport already.
Three days later. I’d stopped to sleep once, the boys were dragging behind. And the next airport was up ahead, they would have to take this plane.
Soon we were on the plane. Horrible things happen on the plane. They take too long, I hate them. I was sitting in my seat, the boys were scattered. I started talking to Kole, I think he was the co-leader or something of the group. He was actually pretty cool, we hit it off. Well until I started yelling at the caption, Ceto, who I totally forgot about was yelling too, having the time of her life. We shut up when my throat hurt. I started talking to Kole again.
I was getting weird looks from the people around me, I didn’t really know why, there were many reasons. My unusual hair, my purple eyes, my beauty. I looked down at my hands. There was dried blood all over them. Oops. I walked to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. My hair was tangled and my face had blood stains and scars on it. It was from my fight with Legend. I washed my face with paper towel, then tied my hair back with another piece of paper towel. I didn’t look as bad. I walked back out, I didn’t get as many weird stares, but enough to make me feel uncomfortable. Legend was doing something in her head, and began to sleep. I started to feel worse and worse as the days had gone by, not just mentally, but physically too, I wasn’t right to be fighting with Atalanta, it was so out of the ordinary my body went all weird too. my head hurt, my tummy, and some times my heart felt like it was on fire. “You can’t go much longer with out making up with her, you’ll just be in more pain”, Legend said to me, she was right, “it’s a bit late for that now”, I said, Legend just closed her eyes again “we will see”.
We were getting off my first plane ride with out hearing Atalanta go on and on about the planes speed, and I kinda missed it. I didn’t go home, my flight went straight to wear the Leaders lived. Alaska. I was walking farther to the doors, “Athena! wait!”, I heard a voice I could identify any where, Atalanta. I turned around and saw them all, Ceto and Atalanta were at the front of the group. Rowan after wards. I met Rowans gaze then quickly looked away, as I was with Legend I discovered that my feelings towards Rowan had been useless, so I stopped using them. Atalanta ran up and hugged me, “I’m so sorry, I should of never said those things!”, she said, “I’m sorry too”, I said, Atalanta had twigs in her hair, and her face was scratched. She had been running. Fast. “We’re here to help you”, Ceto stated, “thank you”, I said.
We went to the Leaders building. It was 13 miles away from the plane station, I don’t know why it was so close, it was in the forest though. We walked through the doors, and into the hidden building. I walked down the hall ignoring the screeches of “stop! what are you doing here?”, and so on and so fourth. We opened the doors and found the Leaders sitting around a long table, their backs straight, having a formal conversation, they stopped and turned their heads. “What do we owe the pleasure?”, asked the girl, I forgot her name, Atalanta didn’t not try what-so-ever to hide one of her famous snorts. Atalanta strutted to the front beside me and Legend “just wondering what’s up”, she stated, the girl rolled her eyes, “I see you brought along thee Legend, we have been looking for you”, the girl said again, Legend now did some thing that I never even would consider, “you were? Oh I feel so loved”, she was being sarcastic, now I know where Atalanta got it from, the girl looked at her with cold eyes, I looked back at Atalanta and saw a bit of proud-ness in her eyes, ok, this is my time to go with the flow “oh, I’m sorry what’s your name again?”, I know this doesn’t seem to bad, but to the girl it would be like a slap to the face. “Anat”, she said it with power and authority, I wasn’t fazed because I just remember who I was, “I think you should be demoted, because I know many wolves better than you and your war and strife”, Anat was filled with anger now “how dare you question me!”, she yelled, “how dare you question us”, I shot back cooly, Ceto now stepped forward, she was nervous, but hid it well “why have you chosen us? Do you find it fun to put my pack in danger? We have done nothing wrong! nothing at all, we want to live a peaceful life, not with you wolves watching our every move like some want-to-be stalkers!”, she said, Atalanta had to hide a laugh, but did not do well in doing it. Anat was filled with rage, she walked closer, but knew her boundaries and stop a few meters away, “you, little one, are a lot like a wolf I once had to deal with, her name was Gaia”, the name hurt just hearing it “I believe she was in the unbelievable pack once, do you want to same fate as her too? To be be-headed by no other than I”, Anat said with proud-ness, Atalanta was going to jump, but I heard her yelled before any movement and I caught one of her arms, Legend took the other, we were holding back tears, we all knew it, Atalanta screamed “do you want your head ripped off? Cause I’ll do it!”, she yelled, I held her tight, “it’s done, it’s over, she is trying to get to you, and it’s working, do you want her to win?”, I whispered, she calmed down. This was time I stood up for my pack, my family, and I had a plan. “you no good rotten piece of-”, I started saying but stopped myself, “I don’t believe for one second you could even put a finger on Gaia, never mind kill her, you wouldn’t even last a second against little Ceto, so just go back to you masters and make yourself useful”, I said, Ceto caught onto what I was doing, she was a bright kid, “I really doubt that would ever happen”, Ceto walked around Anat, she was pushing it “look at her tiny arms, and her old lady legs, I surprised they can even hold you up, never mind the fact that you probably up-chuck every time you eat”, Ceto was definitely pushing it, but she was supposed to, “never mind not lasting against me, you wouldn’t even last against Joel, and that’s sad”, I heard the boys mumbling in the back, obviously Ceto thought, knew, that the boys were a lower threat, and a easy kill. Anat was now filled with anger, it would only take one more word to set her off, “I don’t even know why your named Anat, she was a proud hunter, some one worth some thing, not you, you don’t even deserve to be named Anat, your nothing like her, never was, never will be”, Ceto clearly stated. Anat ran for Ceto, but Ceto clearly saw it coming, she jumped up and Anat missed, “NO-name! come and get me No-name!”, Atalanta yelled, Anat ran for her,
“come on little girl, can’t you do any thing right”, Atalanta said again, this time Anat got Atalanta, she had her to the ground. All I had to do was wait, wait for Anat to physically damage Atalanta, then it would be a fair fight, Anat would have been starting it, so we had to protect ourselves. And there it was, one little punch, probably wouldn’t leave much of a mark. I took my chance. I turned, I quickly jumped over to Anat and ripped her head off. Easy. The others, the Leaders, didn’t know what to do, they stood there for a minute. One of them, who I believed to be Anats brother had an outburst. The rest of the Leaders followed in.
One of them, came to me,
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