Genre Fantasy. Page - 199
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You know the classic tale of Beauty and the Beast, right? The Beast is enchanted and needs a young maiden to love him despite his horrid depiction. In a twist to this classic tale, Brianne is betrothed to a young Prince, but she does not love him. She runs from him, hiding in a forest. Where she finds...the Beast.
Aurora Jennings, better known as Rory, has a special gift. Gifts aren't uncommon now, but her's is. She is what they call a 'Changer.' Which means she can shapeshift. She can look and sound like anyone she wants, even if she has never met them. But her power is a gift and a curse. Now people from a cooperation called 'the division,' are looking for her. As she runs around the world trying to avoid the division she starts to meet others that are also running. With their help will she be able to