» Fiction » The Play Book - Ben Lev (i have read the book a hundred times .TXT) 📗

Book online «The Play Book - Ben Lev (i have read the book a hundred times .TXT) 📗». Author Ben Lev

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of mischeivous things.

Jeff: Ha, what a good sleep? Maxxxxxx! You pooped on the hallway.How dare you?


Jeff ;Now let me take a shower !Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh] All done!Maxxxxxxx! You opened the closet door and messed up all the things.


Jeff:Now for food!Maxxxxxxxxxxxxx! You opened the fridge and took all the food out.


Jeff: OK, I'll just go and put my cloth on . Wait ! I let the door open.Maxxxxxxxxxx!You opened the dror and took out all my socks and underwears out.


Jeff:Wait that means I left the bathroom door open.Maxxxxxxxxxx! You jump on the tiolet then top. You even ruined everything on the top. you ate the toothpaste. I'm not brushing my teeth in that .


Jeff:Now for homework. Don't do bad things . First, turn on the light. Maxxxxxxxx! You unplugged the light .


Jeff:Now let me do it .Maxxxxx! You ate all my homework . Why would you ?


Jeff: Let me get my backpack and go to school . Maxxxxx! You opened my backpack and ate everything in it. Why?


Jeff: I can't take it anymore. I'll put you in the pound .

Narrator : Well he didn't . He actually got used to his dog and felt alot much better!

All:The End

Bad Dog 2


At rise, Jeff wakes up and again sees his dog doing mischeif.

Jeff: Ha, a nice sleep in a nice day.Maxxxxxxxxxx!You pead all over the carpet . Why?

Max: Woof !

Jeff:I'll just go and play video games.Maxxxx!You broke my video games . Just please tell me how ?


Jeff:Ok! I'll just read a book from my backpack. Maxxxxxxx! You peed on my backpack. Ewwwwww![reaching in the backpack ] Bad dog. Why and how dare you?


Jeff:I'll just go look in my library.Maxxxxxxxxxxx! You chewed on all of my books . Why?


Jeff:You pooped on the kitchen floor .You digest alot.


Jeff:What? Maxxxxxxxxxx! You took out all the food again.Now where did you put it?


Jeff: You ate it . Alright, I'll just go to bed !Maxxxxxxxxxx! You peed on my bed.


Narrator: Jeff: peed on his pants and on his bed . He guess aren't that bad after all.

All:The End

By:Ben Lev

The End
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