William Pitt and the Great War - John Holland Rose (most popular novels of all time txt) 📗
- Author: John Holland Rose
Book online «William Pitt and the Great War - John Holland Rose (most popular novels of all time txt) 📗». Author John Holland Rose
hands of those who had been engaged in violent opposition to
you; and you yourself stated to me that you apprehended that
must be the consequence if Mr. Addington should not be able to
form an Administration.... Some of your last words to me induce
me to think that you have not yourself abandoned the plan formed
for giving to the Roman Catholic Church full establishment in
Ireland--for such I consider the plan suggested by Lord
Castlereagh, with any modification of which it is capable.
Indeed, if all those who went out of office because that measure
was not approved then (such being the ostensible cause of their
quitting their stations) are to come into office again, there
can be no doubt in the mind of the public that it is determined
to carry that measure....
That at so critical a juncture a supporter of Addington, not of Cabinet
rank, should rake up personal reasons why Pitt should let things drift
to ruin is inconceivable. And did Redesdale really believe Protestantism
to be endangered by Pitt's return to office, after his assurance at
Bromley that he would not press any point at variance with the royal
resolves? The King, who knew Pitt far better than Redesdale did, had no
fear that he would belie his word by bringing forward Catholic
Emancipation. But the phrases in the letter quoted above show that some
of the Ministers were preparing to beat the drum ecclesiastic, and, in
the teeth of the evidence, to charge Pitt with ingratitude and duplicity
if he became Prime Minister. Ignoring the national crisis, they
concentrated attention solely on the personal questions at issue; and it
is humiliating to have to add that their petty scheming won the day. A
compromise between Pitt and Addington was exceedingly difficult, but
their reproaches and innuendoes made it impossible.[653]
The outcome was disastrous. The failure to form a strong and truly
national Administration ended all hope of peace. Over against Addington
set Bonaparte; with Hawkesbury compare Talleyrand; with Hobart,
Berthier.[654] The weighing need go no further. The British Ministry
kicks the beam; and in that signal inequality is one of the chief causes
of the war of 1803. The first Consul, like the Czar Alexander I,
despised the Addington Cabinet. He could not believe that men who were
laughed at by their own supporters would dare to face him in arms. Twice
he made the mistake of judging a nation by its Ministers--England by
Addington in 1803, Spain by Godoy in 1808. Both blunders were natural,
and both were irreparable; but those peoples had to pour forth their
life blood to recover the position from which weakness and folly allowed
them to slide. Politics, like meteorology, teaches that any sharp
difference of pressure, whether mental or atmospheric, draws in a strong
current to redress the balance. Never were the conditions more cyclonic
than in 1803. A decade of strife scarcely made good the inequality
between the organized might of France and the administrative chaos of
her neighbours; between the Titanic Corsican and the mediocrities or
knaves who held the reins at London, Vienna, Berlin, and Madrid.
War having been declared on 18th May 1803, Pitt sought the first
opportunity of inspiriting Parliament and the nation. On the 23rd a
great concourse crowded the House in the hope of hearing him speak; and
cries of "Pitt, Pitt" arose as he strode to his seat on the third row
behind Ministers, beside one of the pillars. The position gave point to
a remark of Canning to Lord Malmesbury, that Pitt would fire over the
heads of Ministers, neither praising nor blaming them, but merely
supporting the policy of the war. Such was the case. Replying to a few
criticisms of Erskine, he defended the Cabinet and powerfully described
the unbearable aggressions of the First Consul.
The speech aroused a patriotic fervour which cannot be fully realized
from the meagre and dreary summary of it which survives. Romilly
pronounced it among the finest, if not the very finest, which he had
ever made;[655] and Sheridan, in a vinous effusion to Lady Bessborough,
called it "one of the most magnificent pieces of declamation that ever
fell from that rascal Pitt's lips. Detesting the dog, as I do, I cannot
withhold this just tribute to the scoundrel's talents." There follows a
lament over Pitt's want of honesty, which betokens the maudlin mood
preceding complete intoxication.[656] On the morrow Fox vehemently
blamed the Cabinet in a speech which, for width of survey, acuteness of
dialectic, wealth of illustration and abhorrence of war, stands
unrivalled. Addington's reply exhibited his hopeless mediocrity; but,
thanks to Pitt, Ministers triumphed by 398 votes to 67. As they resented
the absence of definite praise in his speech, he withdrew to Walmer,
there to serve his country and embarrass his finances by raising the
Cinque Ports Volunteers.
Before recounting Pitt's services in East Kent, I must mention a
bereavement which he had sustained. His mother died, after a very short
seizure, at Burton Pynsent on 3rd April 1803. Thus was snapped a link
connecting England with a mighty past. A quarter of a century had
elapsed since her consort was laid to rest in the family vault in
Westminster Abbey; she followed him while the storm-fiends were
shrouding in strife the two hereditary foes; and the Napoleonic War was
destined to bring her gifted son thither in less than three years. The
father had linked the name of Pitt with military triumphs; the son, with
futile efforts for peace and goodwill; but the lives both of the
war-lord and of the would-be peacemaker were to be ended by tidings of
national disaster.
No parleying now. In Britain is one breath;
We all are with you now from shore to shore;
Ye men of Kent, 'tis victory or death!
We all know these lines of Wordsworth. Do we know equally well that on
Pitt, as Lord Warden, fell the chief burden of organization on the most
easily accessible coast, that which stretches from Ramsgate to Rye?[657]
It was defenceless but for the antiquated works at Sandown, Deal,
Walmer, Dover, and a few small redoubts further west. Evidently men must
be the ramparts, and Pitt sought to stimulate the Volunteer Movement,
which now again made headway. He strove to make it a National Movement.
At the close of July he sent an official offer to raise 3,000 Volunteers
in Walmer and its neighbourhood; and he urged Ministers to have recourse
to a _levée en masse_, whereupon Yorke, Under Secretary at War, proposed
a scheme somewhat on those lines. Probably the encouragement offered to
Volunteers was too great; for, while they were required to do less than
was necessary to ensure efficiency, they were freed from all risk of
compulsory enrolment in the Militia. This force and the Army
consequently suffered, while the Volunteer Associations grew apace. On
27th October 1803 the King reviewed in Hyde Park as many as 27,000 of
the London Volunteers and showed his caustic wit by giving the nickname
of "the Devil's Own" to the Inns of Court Volunteers.
Pitt was not present on this occasion, he and his neighbour, Lord
Carrington, on whom in 1802 he bestowed the command of Deal Castle,
being busy in organizing the local Volunteers. As Constable of Dover
Castle, Pitt summoned the delegates of the Cinque Ports to meet him
there to discuss the raising of local corps; and he gave the sum of
£1,000 towards their expenses. Dover contributed £885; Sandwich, £887;
Margate, £538, and so on. As Lord Warden, he also took steps to secure
a large number of recruits for the new Army of Reserve, and he further
instructed local authorities to send in returns of all men of military
age, besides carts, horses, and stock, with a view to the "driving" of
the district in case of a landing.[658] At Walmer he kept open house for
officers and guests who visited that coast. By the end of the year 1803
more than 10,000 Kentishmen had enrolled as Volunteers, and 1,040 in the
Army of Reserve, exclusive of Sea Fencibles serving on gunboats. For the
whole of Great Britain the totals were 379,000 and 31,000
respectively.[659] Pitt's joke at the expense of a battalion which laid
more stress on privileges than drills, has become historic. Its
organizers sent up a plan containing several stipulations as to their
duties, with exceptions "in case of actual invasion." Pitt lost patience
at this Falstaff-like conduct, and opposite the clause that they were on
no account to be sent out of the country he wrote the stinging
comment--"except in case of invasion."
The pen of Lady Hester Stanhope gives life-like glimpses of him during
the endless drills between Deal and Dover. She had fled from the
levelling vagaries of Earl Stanhope at Chevening to Lady Chatham at
Burton Pynsent; but that home being now broken up, Pitt offered to
install her at Walmer Castle. He did so with some misgiving; for her
queenly airs and sprightly sallies, however pleasing as a tonic,
promised little for comfort and repose. But the experiment succeeded
beyond all hope. She soon learnt to admire his serenity, while his home
was the livelier for the coming of this meteoric being. Her complexion
was dazzlingly bright. Her eyes, usually blue, would flash black, as did
those of Chatham in moments of excitement. Her features, too, had a
magical play of expression, lighting up at a pleasing fancy, or again
darting forth scorn, with the April-like alternations that irradiated
and overclouded the brow of her grandsire. Kinglake, who saw her half a
century later in her Syrian fastness, was struck by the likeness to the
Chatham of Copley's famous picture.
Certainly she had more in common with him than with the younger Pitt.
During the time when she brought storm and sunshine to Walmer, Park
Place, and Bowling Green House, she often rallied her uncle on showing
undue complaisance to the King or to stupid colleagues whom the Great
Commoner would have overawed. Pitt laughingly took the second place, and
at times vowed that when her voice rang with excitement, he caught an
echo of the tones of his father.[660] Perhaps it was this which
reconciled him to her vagaries. For her whims and moods even then showed
the extravagance which made her the dreaded Sultana of that lonely
Syrian castle where she ended her days amidst thirty quarrelsome but
awe-struck servants, and an equal number of cats, over whom an
apprehensive doctor held doubtful sway.
But that bitter, repining, spirit-haunted exile was far different from
the joyous creature who shed light on Pitt. Her spasmodic nature needed
his strength; her waywardness, his affectionate control. As for her tart
retorts, terrifying to bores and toadies, they only amused him. In truth
she brought into his life a beam of the sunshine which might have
flooded it had he married Eleanor Eden. Hester soon found that, far from
being indifferent to the charms of women, he was an exacting judge of
beauty, even of dress. In fact, she pronounced him to be perfect in
household life. His abilities in gardening astonished her; and we may
doubt the correctness of the local legend which ascribes to her the
landscape-gardening undertaken in the grounds of Walmer Castle in 1803.
The dell at the top of the grounds was Hester's favourite haunt.
The varied excitements of the time are mirrored in her sprightly
letters. Thus, on 15th November 1803, she wrote at Walmer:
We took one of their gunboats the other day: and, as soon as she
came in, Mr. Pitt, Charles,[661] Lord Camden and myself took a
Deal boat and rowed alongside of her. She had two large guns on
board, 30 soldiers and 4 sailors. She is about 30 feet long, and
only draws about 4 feet of water; an ill-contrived thing, and so
little above the water that, had she as many men on board as she
could really carry, a moderate storm would wash them
overboard.... Mr. Pitt's 1st battalion of his newly-raised
regiment was reviewed the other day by General Dundas, who
expressed himself equally surprised and pleased by the state of
discipline he found them in.... I like all this sort of thing,
and I admire my uncle most particularly when surrounded with a
tribe of military attendants. But what is all this pageantry
compared with the unaffected simplicity of real greatness!
Walmer Castle, _Nov. 19, 1803_.
To F. R. Jackson, Esq.
To express the kindness with which Mr. Pitt welcomed my return
and proposed my living with him would be impossible; one would
really suppose that all obligation was on his side. Here then am
I, happy to a degree; exactly in the sort of society I most
like. There are generally three or four
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