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William and Tibby were convinced that every time the beasts roared out of sight, it was with the intention of devouring their occupants. Thankfully, however, the beasts always thought better of their behavior and returned with their prey unharmed. The cats were waiting for the day, though, when one of the beasts failed to do so. They could only hope that when that day came it was the man and not Second Mom who was eaten.
Pirine resolves a serious family matter by sacrificing herself to ensure her children's children live on, particularly her granddaughter, who has a bright future beyond the cotton fields and sharecropping. So Pirine convinces Salt, her creole-looking sister, to take a blood oath and honor it, since she is dead set on having biblical justice for the person who killed son.
Mystery books have been increasingly gaining prominence over the decades. A continuously increasing number of readers is being hooked on fiction novels that feature blood-curdling and spine-chilling narratives. Indeed, the mystery genre is a prolific and profitable market, and to take advantage of this, more and more authors are now convinced to write mystery books.
In the very distant future, a fierce war is being fought between two super-city-states, Ensarian and Imgradon, on the planet Zegandaria over the resources zegandarian kevlarite and interon fuel. The two camps begin the clash lightly as a joke with good intentions much like children, but from a minor dispute and local conflict, it quickly grows and spreads to the entire planet, and later even reaches universal proportions. Many other distant planets such as Sebur Nag and Osonia are also