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I often skip down The Yellow Brick Road.....My Aspie Mind trying to make sense of the senseless....Pondering The Flat Earth.....The Moon and Sun appearing majestically under The Dome....The Creator Smiling Anew.

Allowing my muse to come to the end of the yellow brick road....The highs and lows of reality finding comfort within cracked mirrors....Destiny sidestepping purple people eaters....

This work was published originally in Afro Literary Magazine.

Sitting in front of a blank screen...Looking to find my own private idaho....Pet Sounds leading me to the promised land...Feeling True.....Feeling Blue...

Fighting through the impossible....The illusion of Tom Joad sidesteps The Coronavirus.....Purple people eaters finding my own private idaho in Tijuana, Mexico....Just Saying.

The Streets of Tijuana Sing...Reality becoming a figment of a fertile imagination..16 odd grunts finding the complexities of The Coronavirus insane..Thus Brutus screams!

Feeling the effects of a well-worn life....Thus Dagwood Bumstead smiles....Thus Dagwood Bumstead smiles....Grandma Nellie "pointing" a "stern" finger? To be continued.....

Pay for the Cornmeal was first published by Wingless Dreamer in its short story anthology, Overcoming Fear. It's a short story about a black boy, who's mother sends him to the corner-store to buy a bag of corn meal. While there he soon becomes captive of a robbery, putting his life in peril.

Fictional librarians "finding" the "meaning" of life "inside" The Coronavirus. 1984 "morphing" into Animal Farm. JR Ewing "pondering" the "illusion" of Donald Trump. Nuff said!