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In this adventure mystery, an ancient manuscript is discovered, providing written confirmation of the Lotus Cross. This first century artifact carries traces of the risen Christ's blood, and its existence has been a secret for over a thousand years. The Lotus Cross has its origins in Christ's resurrection. As Christ rose from the dead in 33 AD, the apostles and Jesus' followers rejoiced. Yet as history records, Thomas the Apostle did not witness the event and questioned the resurrection of his
Lehua, Ka'ao a ka Wahine In the spring of 1819 King Ka me ha me ha the first died after reigning over the first unified Kingdom of Hawai’i. His young son, Li ho li ho, became Kamehameha II, but effective control of the government was inherited by the old king’s favorite wife, Ku hina Nui [Queen Regent], Ka’a hu ma nu. That fall, Liholiho was forced to agree to the abandonment of the native religion: the lifting of the ka pu. Five months later, the first contingent of Christian missionaries