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Secret Santa for tal.lingenua!! You know how it goes! You have the evil Lord of someplace and the only hope for humanity is a group of normal girls with fancy costumes, magical powers and a cute animal side kick. At least... that was how it was meant to be.

Her past has caught up with her the only problem is, is she doesn't realize it. Her memory long hidden from her Laila must find her true nature, but by doing so she must put trust in a total stranger...Who just so happens to be able to turn into a wolf.

A prologue to the thrilling series yet to come.

OKay, I got some advice from a fellow bookrix-er, and she suggested that I change the book, and I am going to do that. I think her idea will actually make it clearer, so just give me some time and I will try and find the energy and inspirement (if thats a word) to rewrite the story.

my name is phenoix my family calls me sexy be caus ei m then got curves and tall

Political-Action Thriller, following a Private Military Contractor in the buisiness of K&R (kidnap and ransom), and their procedures for dealing with a kidnapping in Texas.

a gurl tht gets bullied @ skool and almost kills her self cuz of it