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Winifred is new to her neighbourhood. Her family loves Dalesville. She doesn't share their perspective. Sheer house is haunted by two twin sisters who are twelve years old just like her. She's the only one who knows that their house is haunted. She finds a deadly game that the twins;Saffira and Saffina had played that caused their death. If she wins the game, she can help Safirra and Saffina stop haunting the house but if she loses, she will join them.
in our world today there is war, sacrifice, revoltuions, kidnappings,love and survival. but above all there are choices. choices on whether u do it or not, save the victiam, be a hero or villian, or to even do anything at all. we all have choices to make, and one girl is about to find out when choices and alternatives are made what happens. (not trying to copy the hunger games and sorry if thats what it seems like)