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(Bantam Books 1991) Publisher’s Weekly “Hoover’s characters double-deal their way through settings ranging from the Acropolis to the inside of a superplane that skims the edge of space –- the ultimate in death-dealing. A secret agreement between the Russian military and the Yakuza, Japanese crime lords, threatens to shift the balance of world power.”
Shiara, who begins her story near the dawn of time, before Pangaea had split into the continents and islands of the world, and Rowen, who was born modern day and continues the story now, are technically the same person. They have the same soul, similar physical features, but the thing that really ties them together is Blake. Formerly known as Medwin in Shiara's time,Blake seems to be the other half of Rowen's soul; until a shadow falls upon their connection and doubt settles in. Shadow is
Lily and Lydia used to love each other very much. Lily and Lydia always had to hold hands to keep the darkness from getting lose, they had this darkness ever since they were born. Lily was the goodie two shoes and Lydia was the mean jerk who protected her sister. But later scientists kidnapped them and injected them with cat fluids Lydia didn't fight back so she was stable, but Lily fought back and went uncontrollable, unleashing the darkness. The darkness consumed her and made her mean, then