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Instantly, Raven and Pepper swerved and pounced in union on Dragon. Maya whirled and, in step with the gray cat, leapt on Lion. A white cat showed herself from the bushes, and waved them over, though she looked confused – and curious. Bramble, Ghost and Eclipse raced into the brush and followed the cat to a rock bridge, which they leapt swiftly across.
Reed Newton is back in this new short story about his beginnings, and the girl who would change his life forever! Based on the lore peppered throughout my Reed Newton series I've written the suspensful back story to how Reed Newton met his criminal (tor)mentor Charlotte Moltini. I didn't originally intend to ever post this quick story, but with Bookrix donating a dollar to Japanese relief for every book posted, I figured I'd better get serious. Shout out to Konrage for his e-mail!