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MY DAUGHTER EMMA By Ulasi Joshua Ikechukwu Emma -a nine year old girl. Steve -her twin brother. Mr. King -a man who later adopted Emma. Nina -a nurse at the local hospital. Dr. Kate -a medical doctor at the local hospital. Anita -a biologist who later became a head teacher at Santha Elementary School. The story takes place in a small village in England. Dr. Kate, Anita, and Mr. King worked for Caregivers International-a humanitarian organization that helped people in developing countries. The
A mutation, called 'The Shade,' destroyed civilization and daily threatens what is left of the human race. Ten years later Addison discovers what she desperately hopes is a reversal to the mutation. Will this be the cure that returns the world to normal or will it rip apart this makeshift family of survivors.
It is about a girl who has to fight a dark angle for all of those she cares about. Her husband is on the brink of dying and her friend is in love with her. When she rejects him in that way he turns to a dark angle for comfort. She finds that this dark angle is more than just helping her friend she is tarring her life apart. I took the idea from a song. I hope you enjoy. :)