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Stefan is a vampire suffering from a horrible illness. He has a crippling phobia of blood, so severe that the sight of it causes him physical pain. His sister, his only caregiver in the harsh world, plans to lead their coven against a series of attacks by renegade vampires. During the battles, Stefan's memory lapses...and when he regains conciousness, he has the venom of dismembered enemies on his hands. Who is controlling these killings of his...and how long will it be before killing enemies
Nick and Sadie seem to live rather ordinary lives ... but yet, there is something special about them. After all, he does look like Santa Claus; she is a loving and caring person admired by everyone; and children are naturally drawn to them. They bring out the best in everyone they meet. Three years ago they moved to North Carolina so they could live near children and their families. Their new life is everything they expected. Nick is a substitute teacher at the neighborhood elementary school,
"E.Y.E.S. Extrordinary Young Expert Spies. Not the best name. But its mine." E.Y.E.S is a part of the government. No one has ever heard of it. The agents, though, have been there since they were young. They can't leave. And they always, always have to obey. All of the agents are 15 and under. They've also been experimented on. All their life. They watch everyone. And one day, someone goes a little too far.