Mother's Remedies - Thomas Jefferson Ritter (guided reading books .txt) 📗
- Author: Thomas Jefferson Ritter
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Book online «Mother's Remedies - Thomas Jefferson Ritter (guided reading books .txt) 📗». Author Thomas Jefferson Ritter
Transudation (trans'-u-da'tion). The passing of liquid through a membrane.
Tumefaction (tu-me-fak'-shun). A swelling. Puffiness.
Tumor (tu'mor). Morbid enlargement.
Tympanum (tim'pa-num). The middle ear.
Typhoid (ti'foid). Resembling typhus.
Typhus (ti'-fus). A contagious fever characterized by a petechial (spotted) eruption, high fever and great prostration.
Ulcer (ul'-ser). An open sore other than a wound.
Ulna (ul'nah). A bone of the forearm on the side opposite that of the
Urea (u-re'ah). A white, crystallizable substance from the urine, blood
and lymph.
Ureter (u-re'-ter). The tube that conveys the urine from the kidney to the
Urethra (u-re'thra). A membranous canal extending from the bladder to the
Urine (u'rin). The fluid secreted by the kidneys, stored in the bladder
and discharged through the urethra.
Uric Acid (u'rik a'sid). One of the nitrogenous end products of
metabolism, found in the urine and spleen.
Uterus (u'ter-us). The womb.
Uvula (u'vu-lah). The pendulum (tip) of the soft palate.
Vaccine (vak'sin). The virus used in vaccinating.
Variolus (va-ri'o-lus). Pertaining to or of the nature of smallpox.
Varicose (var'ik-os). Swollen, knotted and tortuous blood vessels.
Vagina (vaj-i'-nah). A sheath. The canal from the slit of the vulva.
Vaginismus (vaj-in-iz'-mus). Painful spasm of the vagina due to local
Valetudinarian (val'e-tu-din-a-re-an). A person of infirm or feeble habit
of body.
Vascular (vas'ku-lar). Pertaining to or full of vessels.
Venery (ven'er-e). Sexual intercourse.
Venous (ve'nus). Of or pertaining to the veins.
Venesection (ven-a-sek'shun). The opening of a vein for the purpose of bleeding.
Ventilation (ven-til'a-shun). The act or process of supplying fresh air.
Vermifuge (ver'mif-uj). Having the power to expel worms.
Ventral (ven'-tral). Pertaining to the belly side.
Ventricle (ven'trik-l). Any small cavity.
Vertebra (ver'te-brah). Anyone of the thirty-three bones of the spinal column.
Vertigo (ver'tig-o). Giddiness; dizziness.
Virulent (vir'u-lent). Exceedingly noxious or deleterious.
[908 MOTHERS' REMEDIES]Virus (vi'rus). Any animal poison; especially one produced by and capable of transmitting a disease.
Viscus (vis'-kus). Pl.-Viscera (vis'-er-a). Any large interior organ in either of two great cavities of the body, especially the abdomen.
Vesiccant (vis'ik-ant). Causing blisters.
Vesication (ves-ik-a'shun). The process of blistering.
Vesicle (ves'ik-al). A small sac containing fluid.
Veterinary (vet'-er-in-a-re). Pertaining to domestic animals and their
Vitreous Humor (vit'-re-us yu'-mor). The transparent jelly-like substance
filling the posterior chamber of the eye.
Volatile (vol'-at-il). Tending to evaporate rapidly.
Vulnery (vul-ne-ra-re). Pertaining to or healing wounds.
Vulva (vul'-vah). The external fleshy part of the female organs of generation.
Whites (whitz). Leucorrhea or leukorrhea.
Zymotic (zi'mot'ik). Caused by or pertaining to zymosis.
Zymosis (zi-mo'sis). Fermentation. The propagation and development of an infectious disease known by the growth of bacteria and their products. Any infectious or contagious disease.
[MEDICAL INDEX 909] MEDICAL INDEX INCLUDING PAGES 1 TO 682Abortion (Herb Remedies) 413, 422, 444
Abortion (Accidents of Pregnancy) 524
Abscess 69
External Abscess 69
Mothers' Remedies 69
1. Beech Bark Poultice for 69
2. Milk and Salt Poultice for 69
3. More Good Poultices for 69
Abscess, Ano-Rectal 151
Abscess Around the Anus and Rectum 151
Abscess of the Brain 296
Abdominal Dropsy 135
Abscess, Hepatic 132
Abscess, Ischio-Rectal 151
Abscess of the Liver 132
Causes 132
Symptoms 132
Abscess 132
Recovery 132
Treatment 132
Diet in Liver Troubles 132
May Take 133
Must Not Take 133
Abscess of the Lungs 43
Causes 43
Symptoms 43
Physicians' Treatment 43
Accidents 376
Acne 63
Causes 64
Physicians' Treatment for Acne 54
Tincture of Nux Vomica 54
Calomel 54
Diet 54
Local Treatment 54
External Medication, Ointments and Lotions 54
1. Soothing Ointment 54
2. The Following Used as a Soothing Lotion 54
3. Dr. Duhring's Lotion 55
4. Kummerfield's Lotions 55
5. Stimulating Preparation's 55
6. Ointment of White Precipitate 55
7. The Following Hebra Lotion 55
Caution 55
Aconite, Poison by 401
Actinomycosis 234
Acute Anterior Poliomyelitis
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