Genre Literary Collections. Page - 33
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osition, however, that I have made of the errors and defects of other writers, is only an incident, or underpart, of the scheme of this treatise. Nor have I anywhere exhibited blunders as one that takes delight in their discovery. My main design has been, to prepare a work which, by its own completeness and excellence, should deserve the title here chosen. But, a comprehensive code of false grammar being confessedly the most effectual means of teaching what is true, I have thought fit to supply
The Peeragogy pattern language has a pattern “Wrapper” inspired by the role with the same name in Howard Rheingold’s courses, so the project participants applied the pattern on themselves. The resulting e-zine offers a journey into various topics of online collaboration and learning activities as well as linking to a number of resources for further exploration.
After Douglas Carl Engelbart passed away in July 2013, a group of people got together to continue Engelbart’s invisible revolution. With the 50th anniversary of the Great 1968 Demo coming up on the 2018-12-09, planning began to create a new, modern demo which would inspire and invite such work, research and bootstrapping to be picked up again for our time. After some years passed, from the 2017-11-08 on, a series of regular online calls were conducted. What follows are the summaries of a few of