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the king as chemist, anexpert in dyes. He spends time with Madame Pompadour.

1759 Presumed formationof Conseil des Empereurs d'Orient et d'Occident, which three yearslater is said to have drawn up the Constitutions et Reglement deBordeaux, from which Ancient and Accepted Scottish rite probablyoriginates (though this does not appear officially until1801).

1760 Saint-Germain onambiguous diplomatic mission in Holland. Forced to flee, arrestedin London, released. Dom J. Pernety founds Illuminati of Avignon.Martinez Pasqualis founds Chevaliers Macons Elus de1'Univers.

1762 Saint-Germain inRussia.

1763 Casanova meetsSaint-Germain, as Surmont, in Belgium. Latter turns coin into gold.Willermoz founds Souverain Chapitre des Chevaliers de 1'Aigle NoireRose-Croix.

1768 Willermoz joinsPasqualis's Elus Cohen. Apocryphal publication in Jerusalem of Lesplus secrets mysteres des hauls grades de la mafonnerie devoilee,ou le vrai Rose-Croix: it says that the lodge of the Rosicruciansis on Mount Heredon, sixty miles from Edinburgh. Pasqualis meetsLouis Claude de Saint-Martin, later known as Le Philosophe Inconnu.Dom Pernety becomes librarian of king of Prussia.

1771 The Due deChartres, later known as Philippe-Egalite', becomes grand master ofthe Grand Orient (then, the Grand Orient de France) and tries tounify all the lodges. Scottish rite lodge resists.

1772 Pasqualis leavesfor Santo Domingo, and Willermoz and Saint-Martin establishTribunal Souverain, which becomes Grand Loge Ecossaise.

1774 Saint-Martinretires, to become Philosophe Inconnu, and as delegate of TemplarStrict Observance goes to negotiate with Willermoz. A ScottishDirectory of the Province of Auvergne is born. From this will beborn the Rectified Scottish rite.

1776 Saint-Germain,under the name Count Welldone, presents chemical plans to FrederickII. Societe des Phila-thetes is born, to unite all hermeticists.Lodge of the Neuf Soeurs has as members Guillotin and Cabanis,Voltaire and Franklin. Adam Weishaupt founds Illuminati of Bavaria.According to some, he is initiated by a Danish merchant, Kolmer,returning from Egypt, who is probably the mysterious Altotas,master of Cagliostro.

1778 Saint-Germain, inBerlin, meets Dom Pernety. Willermoz founds Ordre des ChevaliersBienfaisants de la Cite Sainte. Templar Strict Observance and GrandOrient agree to accept the Rectified Scottish rite.

1782 Great conference ofall the initiatory lodges at Wil-helmsbad.

1783 Marquis Thomefounds the Swedenborg rite.

1784 Saint-Germainpresumably dies while in the service of the landgrave of Hesse, forwhom he is completing a factory for making dyes.

1785 Cagliostro foundsMemphis rite, which later becomes the Ancient and Primitive rite ofMemphis-Misraim; it increases the number of high degrees to ninety.Scandal of the Affair of the Diamond Necklace, orchestrated byCagliostro. Dumas describes it as Masonic plot to discredit themonarchy. The Dluminati of Bavaria are suppressed, suspected ofrevolutionary plotting.

1786 Mirabeau isinitiated by the Illuminati of Bavaria in Berlin. In London aRosicrucian manifesto appears, attributed to Cagliostro. Mirabeauwrites a letter to Cagliostro and to Lavater.

1787 There are aboutseven hundred lodges in France. Weishaupt publishes his Nachtrag,which describes the structure of a secret organization in whicheach adherent knows only his immediate superior.

1789 French Revolutionbegins. Crisis in the French lodges.

1794 On 8 Vende'miaire,Deputy Gregoire presents to the Convention the project for aConservatoire des Arts et Metiers. It is installed inSaint-Martin-des-Champs in 1799, by the Council of Five Hundred.The Duke of Brunswick urges lodges to dissolve because a poisonoussubversive sect has now corrupted them all.

1798 Arrest ofCagliostro in Rome.

1804 Announcement inCharleston of official foundation of Ancient and Accepted Scottishrite, with number of degrees increased to 33.

1824 Document from courtof Vienna to French government denounces secret associations likethe Absolutes, the Independents, the Alta VenditaCarbonara.

1835 The cabalistOettinger claims to meet Saint-Germain in Paris.

1846 Viennese writerFranz Graffer publishes account of a meeting of his brother withSaint-Germain between 1788 and 1790. Saint-Germain received hisvisitor while leafing through a book by Paracelsus.

1865 Foundation ofSocietas Rosicruciana in Anglia (other sources give 1860, 1866, or1867). Bulwer-Lytton, author of the Rosicrucian novel Zanoni,joins.

1868 Bakunin foundsInternational Alliance of Socialist Democracy, inspired, some say,by the Illuminati of Bavaria.

1875 Elena PetrovnaBlavatsky, with Henry Steel Olcott, founds Theosophical Society.Her Isis Unveiled appears. Baron Spedalieri proclaims himself amember of Grand Lodge of the Solitary Brothers of the Mountain,Prater Illuminatus of the Ancient and Restored Order of theManicheans and of the Martinists.

1877 Madame Blavatskyspeaks of the theosophical role of Saint-Germain. Among hisincarnations are Roger and Francis Bacon, Rosencreutz, Proclus,Saint Alban. Grand Orient of France eliminates invocation to theGreat Architect of the Universe and proclaims absolute freedom ofconscience. Breaks ties with Grand Lodge of England and becomesfirmly secular and radical.

1879 Foundation ofSocietas Rosicruciana in the USA.

1880 Beginning ofSaint-Yves d'Alveydre's activity. Leopold Engler reorganizes theIlluminati of Bavaria.

1884 Leo XIII, with theencyclical Humanum Genus, condemns Freemasonry. Catholics desertit; rationalists flock to it.

1888 Stanislas de Guaitafounds Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose-Croix. Hermetic Order of theGolden Dawn founded in England, with eleven degrees, from neophyteto ipsissimus. Its imperator is McGregor Mathers, whose sistermarries Bergson.

1890 Joseph P61adan,called Josephin, leaves Guaita and founds the Rose-Croix Catholiquedu Temple et du Graal, proclaiming himself Sar Merodak. Conflictbetween Rosicrucians of Guaita's order and those of Peladan's iscalled the War of the Two Roses.

1891 Papus publishes hisTraite methodique de science oc-culte.

1898 Aleister Crowleyinitiated into Golden Dawn. Later founds Order ofThelema.

1907 From the Golden.Dawn is born the Stella Matutina, which Yeats joins.

1909 In the UnitedStates, H. Spencer Lewis "reawakens" the Anticus Mysticus OrdoRosae Crucis and in 1916, in a hotel, successfully transforms apiece of zinc into gold. Max Heindel founds the RosicrucianFellowship. At uncertain dates follow Lectorium Rosicrucianum,Freres Alnes de la Rose-Croix, Fraternitas Hermetica, Tern-plumRosae-Crucis.

1912 Annie Besant,disciple of Madame Blavatsky, founds, in London, Order of theTemple of the Rose-Cross.

1918 Thule Society isborn in Germany.

1936 In France Le GrandPrieure des Gaules is born. In the "Cahiers de la fraternitepolaire," Enrico Contardi-Rhodio tells of a visit from Comte deSaint-Germain.

"What does all thismean?" Diotallevi said.

"Don't ask me. Youwanted data? Help yourself. This is all I know."

"We'll have to consultAglie. I doubt that even he knows all theseorganizations."

"Want to bet? They'rehis daily bread. But we can put him to the test. Let's add a sectthat doesn't exist. Founded recently."

I recalled the curiousquestion of De Angelis, whether I had ever heard of the Tres. And Isaid: "Tres."

"What's that?" Belboasked.

"If it's an acrostic,there has to be a subtext," Diotallevi said. "Otherwise my rabbiswould not have been able to use the no-tarikon. Let's see...TempliResurgentes Equites Synarchici. That suit you?"

We liked the name, andput it at the bottom of the list.

"With all theseconventicles, inventing one

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