Eco: Foucalt's Pendulum by eco foucault (important books to read .txt) 📗
- Author: eco foucault
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"But what secret cfoesthe serpent refer to?" "To the telluric currents." "What are thetelluric currents?"
"A great cosmologicalmetaphor, which refers to the serpent." To hell with Aglie, I saidto myself, I know more than that.
I read my notes to Belboand Diotallevi, and we no longer had any doubt. At last we were ina position to supply the Templars with a decent secret. It was themost economical, the most elegant solution to the problem, and allthe pieces of our millennial puzzle fit together.
So: the Celts knew aboutthe telluric currents: they had learned the secret from theAtlantides, when the survivors of the submerged continentemigrated, some to Egypt, some to Brittany.
The Atlantides hadlearned it from those ancestors of ours who ventured forth fromAvalon across the continent of Mu as far as the central desert ofAustralia¡Xwhen all the continents were a single land mass, thewondrous Pangaea. If only we could still read (as the Aboriginescan, but they remain silent) the mysterious alphabet carved on thegreat boulder Ayers Rock, we would have the Answer. Ayers Rock isthe antipode of the great (unknown) mountain that is the Pole, thetrue, occult Pole, not the one that any bourgeois explorer canreach. As usual, and this should be obvious to anyone whose eyeshave not been blinded by the false light of Western science, thePole that we see is not the real Pole, for the real Pole is the onethat cannot be seen, except by some adepts, whose lips aresealed.
The Celts, however,believed it was enough to discover the global configuration of thecurrents. That's why they erected megaliths. The menhirs hadsensitive devices, like electric valves, planted at the pointswhere the currents branched and changed direction. The leys markedthe routes of currents already identified. The dolmens werechambers of accumulated energy, where the Druids, with geomantictools, attempted to map, by extrapolation, the global design. Thecromlechs and Stonehenge were micro-macrocosmic observatories fromwhich they studied the pattern of the constellations in order todivine the pattern of the currents¡Xbecause, as the TabulaSmaragdina tells us, what is above is isomorphic to what isbelow.
But there was more tothe problem than that. The other branch of the Atlantideanemigration realized as much. The occult knowledge of the Egyptianspassed from Hermes Trismegistus to Moses, who took care not to passit on to his band of tatterdemalions, their craws still stuffedwith manna; to them he offered the Ten Commandments, which was asmuch as they could comprehend. The higher truth is aristocratic;Moses encoded it in the Pentateuch. The cabalists understoodthis.
"Just think," I said,"everything was already written, an open book, in the measurementsof the Temple of Solomon, and the keepers of the secret were theRosicrucians, who formed the Great White Fraternity¡Xthe Essenes,in other words, who, as is well known, let Jesus in on theirsecrets. And there you have the real reason why Jesus wascrucified..."
"Of course, the Passionof Christ is an allegory, prefiguring the trial of theTemplars."
"Right. And Joseph ofArimathea takes, or takes back, the secret of Jesus to the land ofthe Celts. But obviously the secret is still incomplete; theChristian Druids know only a fragment of it, and that is theesoteric meaning of the Grail: there is something missing, but wedon't know what. The secret¡Xwhat the Temple already said infull¡Xis suspected only by a small group of rabbis who remained inPalestine. They entrust it to the occult Moslem sects, to theSufis, the Ismailis, the Motak-allimun. And from them the Templarslearn it."
"At last, the Templars!I was beginning to worry," Belbo said.
We were shaping thePlan, which, like soft clay, obeyed our thumbs, our narrativedesires. The Templars had discovered the secret during thosesleepless nights, embracing their saddle mates in the desert, wherethe implacable simoom was blowing. They had wrested it, bit by bit,from those who knew the powers of cosmic focus in the Black Stoneof Mecca, the heritage of the Babylonian magi¡Xfor it was clear nowthat the Tower of Babel had been simply an attempt, however hastyand deservedly a failure because of the pride of its architects, tobuild the most powerful menhir of all. But the Babylonians gottheir calculations wrong. As Father Kircher has demonstrated, hadthe tower reached its peak, its excessive weight would have madethe earth's axis rotate ninety degrees and maybe more, and our poorglobe, instead of having an ithyphallic crown pointing upward,would have found itself with a sterile appendix, a limp mentula, amonkey tail flopping downward, a Shekhinah lost in the dizzyingabyss of an antarctic Malkhut, a flaccid hieroglyph forpenguins.
"So, in a word, what'sthe secret discovered by the Templars?"
"Don't rush me. We'regetting there. It took seven days to make the world. And now we'llgive it a try."
The earth is a magneticbody; in fact, as some scientists have found, it is one vastmagnet, as Paracelsus affirmed some 300 years ago.
¡XH. P. Blavatsky, IsisUnveiled, New York, Boulton, 1877, I, p. xxiii
We gave it a try, and wesucceeded.
The earth is a greatmagnet, and the force and direction of its currents are influencedby the celestial spheres, the cycle of the seasons, the precessionof the equinoxes, the cosmic cycles. Thus the pattern of thecurrents changes. But it must change like hair, which, though itgrows everywhere on the top and sides of the skull, neverthelessspirals out from a point toward the back, where it rebels mostagainst the comb. When that point has been identified, when themost powerful station has been established there, it will bepossible to control, direct, command all the telluric currents ofthe planet. The Templars realized that the secret lay not only inpossessing the global map of the currents, but also in knowing thecritical point, the Omphalos, the Umbilicus Telluris, the Navel ofthe World, the Source of the Command.
All alchemistictalk¡Xthe chthonic descent of the Black Work, the electric chargeof the White¡Xis only a metaphor, a metaphor clear to theinitiated, for this age-old auscultation whose final result will bethe Red: global knowledge, brilliant dominion over the planetarysystem of currents. The secret, the real secret, of alchemy andTemplars is the search for the Wellspring of
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