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with unrepentant pleasure." "What genteelgentiles."


The only society knownto us that is capable of rivaling us in these arts is that of theJesuits. But we have succeeded in discrediting the Jesuits in theeyes of the stupid populace, because that society is an openorganization, whereas we stay in the wings, maintainingsecrecy.


The Protocols are aseries of twenty-four declarations, a program of action, attributedto the Elders of Zion. To us, these Elders' intentions seemedsomewhat contradictory. At one point they wanted to abolish freedomof the press, at another they seemed to encourage libertinage. Theycriticized liberalism, but supported the sort of thing today'sleftist radicals attribute to the capitalist multinationals,including the use of sports and visual education to stultify theworking class. They analyzed various methods of seizing worldpower; they praised the strength of gold; they advocated supportingrevolution in every country, sowing discontent and confusion byproclaiming liberal ideas, but they also wanted to exacerbateinequality. They schemed to establish everywhere regimes of strawmen they would control; they fomented war and urged the productionof arms and (as Salon had said) the building of metros (theunderground world!) in order to have a way of mining the bigcities.

They said the endjustified the means and were in favor of anti-Semitism both tocontrol the population of Jewish poor and to soften the hearts ofgentiles in the face of Jewish tragedy (an expensive ploy,Diotallevi said, but effective). They candidly declared, "We haveunlimited ambition, an all-consuming greed, a merciless desire forrevenge, and an intense hatred" (displaying an exquisite masochismby reinforcing, with gusto, the cliche of the evil Jew that wasalready in circulation in the anti-Semitic press, the stereotypethat would adorn the cover of all the editions of their book). Theycalled for abolishment of the study of the classics and of ancienthistory.

"In other words," Belbosaid, "the Elders of Zion were a bunch of blockheads."

"Don't joke," Diotallevisaid. "This book was taken very seriously. But there's somethingthat strikes me as odd. While the Jewish plot was meant to seemcenturies old, all the references in the Protocols are to pettyfin-de-siecle French questions. The business about visual educationstulifying the masses is a clear allusion to the educationalprogram of Leon Bourgeois, who had five Masons in his government.Another passage advises electing people compromised in the PanamaScandal, and one of these was Emile Loubet, who in 1899 becamepresident of the French republic. The Metro is mentioned because inthose days the right-wing papers were complaining that theCompag-nie du Metropolitain had too many Jewish shareholders. Hencethe theory that the text was cobbled up in France in the lastdecade of the nineteenth century, at the time of the DreyfusAffair, to weaken the liberal front."

"That isn't whatimpresses me," Belbo said. "It's the sense of deja vu. The upshotis that these Elders are planning to conquer the world, and we'veheard all that before. Take away the references to events andproblems of the last century, replace the tunnels of the Metro withthe tunnels of Provins, and everywhere it says Jews write Templars,and everywhere it says Elders of Zion write Thirty-six Invisiblesdivided into six...My friends, this is the Ordonation ofProvins!"


Voltaire lui-meme estmort jesuite: en avoit-il le moindre soupcon?

¡XF. N. de Bonneville,Les Jesuites chasses de la Mafonnerie et leur poignard brise parles Masons, Orient de Londres, 1788, 2, p. 74

All along it had beenright in front of us, the whole thing, and we had failed to see it.Over six centuries, six groups fight to achieve the Plan ofProvins, and each group takes the text of that Plan, simply changesthe subject, and attributes it to its adversaries.

After the Rosicruciansturn up in France, the Jesuits reverse the Plan, replace it withits negative: discrediting the Baconians and the emerging EnglishMasonry.

When the Jesuits inventneo-Templarism, the Marquis de Lu-chet attributes the Plan to theneo-Templars. The Jesuits, who by now are jettisoning theneo-Templars, copy Luchet, through Barruel, but they attribute thePlan to all Freemasons in general.

Then the Baconiancounteroffensive. Digging into the texts of this liberal andsecular polemic, we discovered that from Mi-chelet and Quinet downto Garibaldi and Gioberti, the Ordonation was attributed to theJesuits (perhaps that idea originated with the Templar Pascal andhis friends). The subject was popularized by Le Juif errant ofEugene Sue and by his character, the evil Monsieur Rodin,quintessence of the Jesuit world conspiracy. But as we lookedfurther into Sue, we found far more: a text that seemed copied¡Xbuthalf a century in advance¡Xfrom the Protocols, almost word forword. This was the final chapter of Les Mysteres du peuple, wherethe diabolical Jesuit plan is exposed down to the last criminaldetail: in a document sent by the general of the Society, FatherRoothaan (historical figure) to Monsieur Rodin (who appears in theearlier Juif errant). Ru-dolphe de Gerolstein (previously the heroof the Mysteres de Paris) comes into possession of this documentand reveals it to the other democracy-loving characters: "You see,my dear Le-brenn, how cunningly this infernal plot is ordered, andwhat frightful sorrows, what horrendous enslavement, what terribledespotism it would spell for Europe and the world, were it tosucceed..."

It seemed Nilus'spreface to the Protocols. Sue also attributed to the Jesuits themotto (which will be found in the Protocols, attributed to theJews), "The end justifies the means."


There is no need tomultiply the evidence to prove that this degree of Rosy Cross wasskillfully introduced by the leaders of Masonry...The doctrine, itshatred, and its sacrilegious practices, exactly those of theCabala, of the Gnostics, and of the Manicheans, reveals to us theidentity of the authors, namely the Jewish Cabalists.

¡XMons. Leon Meurin,S.J., La Franc-Mafonnerie, Synagogue de Satan, Paris, Retaux, 1893,p. 182

When Les Mysteres dupeuple appears and the Jesuits see that the Ordonation isattributed to them, they quickly adopt the one tactic not yet usedby anyone. Exploiting Simonini's letter, they attribute theOrdonation to the Jews.

In 1869, Henri Gougenotde Mousseaux, famous for two books on magic, publishes Les Juifs,le judaisme et la judaisation des peuples chretiens, which saysthat the Jews use the cabala and are worshipers of Satan, since asecret line of descent links Cain directly to the Gnostics, theTemplars, and the Masons. Gou-genot receives a special benedictionfrom Pius IX.

But the Plan, novelizedby Sue, is rehashed by others, who are not Jesuits. There's a nicestory, almost

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