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Book online «The Death of Hope by Andrew Wareham (classic books for 7th graders TXT) 📗». Author Andrew Wareham

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eye on one ofthe lower deck?”

“A new body, if you please, sir.”

“I will make the request. I cannotguarantee that a man will come. You are sure that none of the hands could beturned across to you?”

“The captain’s steward, perhaps, sir. Hewill be at a loose end as well, will have to fit in as a wardroom waiter,perhaps.”

“Why did he not go with the captain when heleft?”

It seemed very poor behaviour, to leaveone’s servant behind.

“I believe he had fallen out with thecaptain, sir. Disapproving of his behaviour, sir.”

“You know the story? Out with it, man!”

The Doctor told all. Captain and firstlieutenant had become firm friends, which was not too uncommon, had gone ashoretogether for the evening, had drunk more than was wise and returned to the shipin company with a pair of ladies of the night, had proceeded to make hay in thecabin.

The story had reached the Commodore’s earsand the two officers had taken the trains to Scapa Flow, there to join thecomplements of separate battleships, their careers no longer glittering.

“From captain of a new light cruiser,acting commander, to lieutenant commander and head of a department in abattlewagon, sir – one of many and most undistinguished! The lieutenant, of course,suffered less, still being within reason senior and with a chance of promotion.”

“Silly of them. Small wonder that the creware not too upset – envious, if anything!”

The engineers appeared, solid men, knowingtheir own worth.

“McKechnie, sir. Lieutenants Crowe andJarvis.”

“Please be seated, gentlemen. I will notask you of your engines, Mr McKechnie – I doubt I would understand your reply. Whatsort of speed can you give me?”

“A fraction in excess of twenty-eight knotsfor two or three hours, sir. Twenty-six for two days unbroken. Fifteen days ata cruising speed of fourteen knots. Very reliable, sir, the engines they havegiven me.”

“Good. I shall try to inform you ahead ofany violent manoeuvring. How are you for bodies?”

To Simon’s amaze, the engineroom was up tocomplement and had the correct skill levels as well.

“Room for a youngster to train up, that’sall, sir.”

“Any of your ERAs who could make the stepto a commission, Mr McKechnie?”

“One, sir.”

“Good, bring him on and I will stronglysupport your recommendation. We need new bodies.”

The subs and midshipmen were as expected –brightly polished and silent in the presence of the Captain. They also took twominutes apiece.

“That’s done, Mr Strachan. Shall weinspect the ship? Did you hear the tale of the previous owner, by the way?”

Strachan was much entertained, thoughdisparaging of their foolishness. Not the sort of behaviour that could go unnoticedin a naval base such as Harwich.

“Might get away with it in Dunkerque, sir.Not here.”

“Get away with a lot of things across theChannel, Strachan. As you say, unwise here. Upper deck first, beginning at thestern. Have you ever seen a depth bomb? Do you have any idea what to do withthem?”

Strachan shook his head. They adjustedtheir caps and moved out, in command and knowing everything, ready to look withsupercilious eye at the new weapon and to imply they understood all. Captainsknew all there was to be known, by order.

Chapter Twelve

“Hada good Christmas, Baker?”

“Surprisingly enjoyable, sir. Served themen their meal, sir, in the old way, at thirteen hundred, when they eat, theofficers acting as waiters and finding enough bottles to make every head spin!Had a damned good dinner ourselves in the evening. Hawkeswill managed to gethold of geese and chicken as well as some good roasts of beef. Don’t know howhe did it – didn’t ask – best meal I have had in a year! Put him to bed roaringdrunk – I think we all of us had a glass with him!”

Brigadier Braithwaite was pleased for them– that was the way it should be done, the old way of the professional army,bringing officers and men together.

“New year’s gift has come my way, Baker. Ihave been made – I am a major general now. On my way back Home tomorrow to takeover a division of the New Army. Several of us old hands being sent back fromFlanders to give some much-needed experience, train them up prior to coming outin May.”

“Congratulations, sir. Who is to takeover?”

“No idea – haven’t been told. Doesn’tmatter to you, Baker. You are coming back with me, as a brigadier – acting, notsubstantive. Wartime promotion, of course. You have been made substantive as amajor, that’s as low as you can fall when the war ends - which it is expectedto within three months of the New Army being unleashed on the Hun!”

“One of the ‘boy brigadiers’, sir.”

“Yes, dearly loved by the gutter press.The newspapers will be full of it – your photograph being trotted out again withall of the normal nonsense. The ‘Hero of the Bridge’ and all that tosh – you willhave to put up with that again. Take command immediately, shake them up as necessary,give yourself four weeks at the end of February, thereabouts. You will need agood leave, man!”

“A wedding as well, sir, with yourpermission.”

“So I thought. Granted on condition I receivean invitation!”

“Consider it done, sir. Where do we go andwhen?”

“I shall pick you up, staff car and lorryfor baggage, zero eight hundred hours precisely, in the morning. Off to Calaisand we should reach Aldershot by evening. Take over next morning. Your MajorVokes has the battalion, acting colonel. You may inform him at soonest. Youhave permission to take a lieutenant with you for staff. Your own choice.”

“Not bloody Wincanton, that’s for sure, sir!Michaels, I think – make a change to see a staff lieutenant with a piece ofhonest ribbon on his chest.”

“Excellent! In the morning, Baker!”

Braithwaite hung up and left Richardwondering what to do first.


The batman appeared, trying to look as ifhe had not been eavesdropping.

“Put up sergeant’s stripes, Paisley. Can’thave a mere lance corporal as batman to a brigadier!”

There was no reason in Regulations why thatshould be so. Paisley was not about to argue.

“Pack up ready to move at eight tomorrow.Send the word for Major Vokes, please.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll put up the three stars, sir.”

Major Vokes came in at the run.

“What’s up, sir? Flap on? Are we sent backup the line

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