Drop Dead Healthy by A. Jacobs (great reads .TXT) 📗
- Author: A. Jacobs
Book online «Drop Dead Healthy by A. Jacobs (great reads .TXT) 📗». Author A. Jacobs
Ackerman, Diane, 327
Ackerman, Jennifer, 72
acupuncture, 118–21
AJ’s results from, 120–21
doing nothing compared with, 121
energy pathways in, 120, 121
mummified Siberan corpse found with markings of, 119
adrenal gland, 139–64, 140
see also stress
adrenaline, high, noise-related, 55
adult baby food, 127
aerobic (cardio) exercise, 348
brainpower boosted by, 174–75
for eyes, 329
for Finger Fitness, 305–7, 309
in guerrilla exercise, 353–54
longevity linked to, 44–45
schedule for, 33
slow fitness vs., 158–61
aerobic running, 252–53
Aeron chair, butt’s soul mate as, 63
Aesop’s Fables, hare maligned in, 252
age, aging, 343
of brain, 175
hearing loss in, 55
of lungs, 219
old, 44–45, 267
prolonged, futility of pursuing fitness for, 31
skin as broadcaster of, 236
slowed down by volunteering, 179–80
successful, 24–26
age denialism, 125–26
Ahasuerus, King, 199
Ah-Choo! (Ackerman), 72
Airborne, evaporation of faith in, 124
Airlift to America (Shachtman), 179
air pollution, 219–20
air quality, house plants for, 28
air travel:
face mask worn in, 79–80
fastidious germaphobic kid in, 81
magical thinking essential to, 148
alarmist babble, secondhand smoke dismissed as, 184
daily limit of, 14, 89
reviewing benefits of, 14, 89, 91
see also booze; wine
alienation, manual incompetence blamed for, 305
Alison (Julie’s friend), 161–62
Alison (sleep clinic technician), 263
Allen, Woody:
Execusiser of, 67
nature avoided by, 43
almond milk, AJ’s affection for, 271
almond scent, as AJ’s sedative of choice, 299, 347
alpha females, scarcity of, 42
alpha males, in caveman movement, 36–44
Alterna Health scent, 118
“Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” (song), 152–53
Alzheimer’s disease, 15, 175
American Academy of Dermatology, 240
American Cancer Society, 190, 236
American Council on Science and Health (ACSH), 187–88
American Dental Association, 197
American Lung Association, 220
American Nazi Party, how AJ was aided in kicking his mango habit by, 231–32
American Nerd (Nugent), 174
American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, 135
amygdala, cursing as activator of, 125
anesthesia, 115–16
animal products, Marti’s passionate battle against, 93–94
antibacterial soaps, 79, 184, 369
antibiotics, germ resistance to, 79
AntiGravity yoga, 247
antinoise movement, 54–57
achievements of, 56–57
how it fared on the kookiness scale, 56
see also noise
antioxidants, 89
in blueberries, 60, 97
dark chocolate loaded with, 14
overestimation of, 97
unhealthy food in clothing of, 95
mindfulness as bringer of, 27
mutual outsourcing of, 149–50
vs. optimism in health matters, 70–71
in petting Logan the Airedale, 151
when magical thinking can help, 148–50
aphrodisiacs, 105–7
Good & Plenty/cucumber romance spray, 102, 106–7, 109
“natural,” 107–8
scientific skepticism about, 107
apple juice, AJ vs. Julie on where to put it, 170
apples, 17, 135, 356
as “Clark Kent” food, 97
appliance safety, 338
Appy, Meri-K, 337–39
accident-prevention philosophy of, 337
Jacobs apartment scanned by, 337–39
Archer, Krista, 208–10
Areca palm, 2, 28
aromatherapy, 294, 299
arsenic, 273
asthma, 220, 241
athletes, infectious diseases of, 32
athlete’s foot, 32
Atkins diet, 17, 227
Atlantic, 287
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 177
Aveeno lotion, 237
Averbukh, Vlad, 37–43
bathroom squatting practiced by, 136
on caveman diet, 40–41
cavewoman dates attempted by, 41
fantasies on how AJ’s new chest would cause regrets in, 83–84
as fundamentalist caveman, 38
ill-advised complaints of, 41–43
raw meat fare of, 38, 228
red hair, beard, and smart car of, 37
unintended insults of, 38–39, 40
Averill, Meredith, 19, 20
Axel, Richard, 298
Aykroyd, Dan, 345
babies, helmets for, 336
Bach, J. S., 77
back, 313–24, 314
lengthening of, 317
back pain, 313–19
exacerbated by bad posture, 315
tips for relief of, 318
bad PR of, 77
cuticles as defense against, 210
nasal filtration of, 216
see also germs
bad for you:
antibacterial soap, 184
Balkanizing life, 64
boxing, 328
brick wall view, 44
carbs, 227–29
car upholstery, 186
cell phones, 7
CFL light bulbs, 185–86
chairs, 63–64, 66
cigarettes, 214–15
cleaning fluids, 184
commercial flowers, 186
deadlines (stressful), 139
distracted eating, 21–22
driving or walking drunk, 341
eating high on the food chain, 190
foods developed in last ten thousand years, 228
germ porn, 76
germ-saturated gyms, 32
glassblowing, 328
hang gliding and skiing, 89
health food fetishism, 87–90
heavy drinking, 14
hypercleanliness, 80–81
lack of focus, 309
large doses, 188
metal fillings, 186
microwaving food in plastic, 190
multitasking, 68
noise, 53–59
not being in the moment, 68
obese or unhappy friends, 161–62
plastic containers failing BPA verse test, 189, 369
plastic toys, 183
processed and starchy carbs, 93
repetitive actions, 170
sex, 101–3
see also sexaphobes
sex without orgasm, 103
shampoo, 183
sitting and staring at screens all day, 63
six-pack abs, 216
sleeping with pets, 152
smoking unfiltered menthols while eating cheese-coated lard and screaming at your spouse, 63
sneakers, 205
snoring, 259–64
some marriages, 46–47
stooping posture, 313–14
sugar or thinking about sugar, 15, 93, 95, 96, 229–30
a too-real worldview, 130
touch screens, 309
turmeric, 7
unbalanced delusional optimism, 130
UV light, 196–97
waving things about, 309
wires, 185
worries and care, 149
writing books, 139
see also good for you
Bad Science (Goldacre), 90, 237
baldness, testosterone blamed for, 284, 287
bananas, 93
Bananas (film), 67
Band-Aid Removal Preference Dilemma, 252–53
Barefoot Run, first annual, 203–8
barefoot running:
Dr. Archer, the foot doctor’s views on, 208–9
passerby remarks on, 207
baseball players, improving eyesight of, 330
baseball watching, blood pressure improved by, 1, 164, 347
basketball teams, above-average students not found on, 175–76
Bassols, Claudia, 285
happy and timely visits to, 131
two years in, 64
see also toilet topics
bathroom safety, 338
bathtubs, slip-resistant decals and grab bars for, 338, 339
beauty treatments, year-long, in Book of Esther, 236
bedroom, chilly temperature urged for, 210
fatalities occurring while in or near, 335–36
leaving them unmade, 330
bedtime, 265–66
Beilock, Sian, 164
Belkin, Lisa, 341
Bella (worry exchanger), 149–50
Benihana, noisy ambience of, 53–54
beta-carotene supplements, lung cancer increased with, 90
Bible, AJ’s obedience to the arcane rules of, 5–6
biceps curls, phone hookup for, 67
on Chips Ahoy!, 66
nutritional, 59–60
Plato on, 293–94
why exercise can lead to, 32–33
bioflavonoids, 106
bird excrement, price of skin treatment with, 235
birth, biblical injunction on pain in, 116
birthday song, handwashing to, 78
bladder cancer, 16, 89, 275
Blaine, David, 216–17
breath-holding record set by, 216
morning juice recipe of, 216
Blomberg, Les, 365–66
Blood pressure:
effect of a park stroll on, 44
petting dogs and, 150
raised by watching football, lowered by baseball, 1, 164, 347
TSA pat-down possibly beneficial for, 154
blood sugar, 230, 363
Blood-type diet, 13
blueberries, 60
marketing efforts behind obsession with, 97
with savoring meditation, 20–21, 86
worthwhile time spent on, 26
BluePrintCleanse, 268, 269, 271, 272
Blue Zones, The (Buettner), 64, 71
Bodies exhibit, 213–14
asking for a refund on, 116
channels or meridians of, 120
excruciating mindfulness of, 27
incomprehensible betrayal by, 72
losing some marshmallowness of, 181
as 1978 Ford Pinto, 15
seeking signs of progress in, 83–84
some parts left out of project, 346
see also specific body parts
boils, 32
Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex (Roach), 103, 104
Bono, F-word demonstrated by, 125
boobs, male, cause of, 183, 283
books, nonelectronic, good news for, 266
marriage vs., 47
in Vice Diet, 13–16, 330
see also alcohol; drinking; wine
Borgnine, Ernest, secret of longevity as told by, 103–4
Born to Run (McDougall), 47–48, 203, 205
Bose noise-canceling headphones, 52, 57–58, 59, 340, 366
Bottlemania (Royte), 273
bowel cancer, 92
boys, quelling hormonal hyperactivity in, 101–3
brain, 165–71, 166
a bit full of itself, 307
effect of holding hands on, 308
effect of repetition on, 170
emotions entangled with olfactory part of, 298
exercising of, 165–67
fog in, 19
as hand’s handservant, 305
how noise
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