Drop Dead Healthy by A. Jacobs (great reads .TXT) 📗
- Author: A. Jacobs
Book online «Drop Dead Healthy by A. Jacobs (great reads .TXT) 📗». Author A. Jacobs
sirtuins, 112, 155
diseases attributable to, 64, 66
instructions for, 318
squatting preferred to, 318
twofold problem with, 66
Situations Matter (Sommers), 22
skin, 234, 235–44
dead, keeping dust mites away from, 82
preserving collagen in, 60, 237
tanning of, 239–44
skin cancer, 236
moles as precursors of, 242
skin care, 234, 235–44
moisturizers for, 237
prices for, 235
sunscreen for, 239–41
skin infections, from gyms and sports, 32
skin products, 235–41
Skittles Diet, 364
skull, 334, 335–42
see also helmets; safety
Slate magazine, 136
sleep, 89, 255, 256, 257–66
best position for, 260
coffee’s effect on, 15
as cold remedy, 72
not possible at treadmill desk, 68
time needed for, 28, 265–66
ZQ scores for, 266
sleep, getting to, 264–65
counting backwards by threes, 264–65
counting sheep (ineffective), 264
or try showers, tart cherry juice, electronic curfews, 264
Sleep, Interrupted (Park), 260
sleep apnea, 259–60
CPAP machine as best remedy for, 263
sleep disorders, diseases associated with, 258, 259
Sleep Disorders Institute, 262–64, 346
wires taped to AJ’s head at, 256, 262
slow fitness movement, 157–61, 253
small steps:
in barefoot running, 206
on treadmill, 207
smells, smelling:
emotional connection of, 298–99
of the flowers, 294, 299
how women can relax with, 295
mood and behavior influenced by, 294
perils of overzealousness in, 298
testing of, 295–96
workouts for, 297–98
smoke, secondhand, 184, 301
smoke alarms, 338
smoking, 63, 90, 91, 213–15
at Bodies exhibit, 214
death toll from, 187
egonomics strategy for quitting of, 231
snail secretions, facials with, 235
injury prevention wrongly promised for, 205
Vibrams preferred to, 206
who should wear them, 208
snoring, 259–64
cause of, 259
monitored by AJ’s tape recorder, 261, 262
as sleep apnea symptom, 259–60
snoring remedies, 262–64
Breath Right nasal strips, 262
neck pillow, 261
playing the didgeridoo, 261–62
tennis ball cure, 260
tongue exercises, 261
AJ’s need for organic, vegetable-based, 184
antibacterial, 79, 184, 369
soft but safe, 189
soccer players, why low T is found in, 283
soccer teams, above-average students on, 175
social interaction:
of drinkers, 91
of pet owners, 151–52
social isolation, eating healthily and, 88
Sommers, Sam, 22, 84
spaciness, as when dialing your phone takes nearly a minute, 271
Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain (Ratey), 175–76
spermine, skin shined with, 235
spice rack, odor workouts with, 297–98
spiders, on low-calorie diets, 18
Spongebob Band-Aid, placebo effect of, 122
sponges, sanitizing of, 82
sports, professional, 163–64, 330
sprinklers, 337, 338
squatting, 318–19, 353
Asian, how to do it, 318
in caveman movement, 136
lunch while, 354
on toilet, 132, 136
Standard American Diet (SAD), 92
asbestos sandwich diet superior to, 227
standers, sitters vs., 66–67
in the presence of the elderly, 69–71
working while, 67–69
Star Trek (film), standing for, 67
Staten Island, triathlon suitable for AJ on, 251–55
Staten Island Ferry:
impertinent bozo on, 320
other passengers on, 319–20
stationary bicycle, 253
staying out late, marriage as a curb on, 47
Stein, Leslie, 295, 299
Sternberg, Esther, 141, 294
Stirt, Joe, 357–58
stomach, 13–28, 87–98, 223–32
harsh words deserved by, 294
see also diet; eating; food
stomachaches, pro-chewing as cure for, 24
stomach-breathing, 217–18
Stoney, Justin, stomach-breathing approach of, 217–18
strangers, holding hands with, 308
stress, 139–64, 140
aromatherapy for, 299
of cell-phone-free life, 190
coinage of term, 141
about cost of noise-canceling headphones, 57
effect of noise on, 55
five methods for reduction of, 359–60
health obsession as cause of, 87
heart rate increased by, 141
laughter therapy for, 142–47
in long vs. short haul, 141
in marital conflict, 308
meditation for, 359
neurofeedback for, 176
Nightingale’s fragrant relief of, 294
orgasms for lowering of, 104
outsourcing of, 359
pet ownership and, 150–52, 359–60
in positive feedback loop, 142
from reading latest studies, 61
reframing advised for, 153
religion giveth and taketh away, 200–201
self-massage for, 359
serenity prayer for, 360
soothed by exercise, 32–33
Strollercise, 246, 247
on acupuncture, 121
on aerobic benefits of bedroom behavior, 105
on analgesic cursing, 125
on appetite (and calorie) suppression, 17, 356
on attending to body stats, 99
on baseball watching and blood pressure, 1
on being outside, 43–44
on benefits of drinking, 14–15
on blueberry antioxidant rating, 97
on calories spent in running vs. walking, 9, 66
on chewing sugar-free gum, 198–99
on cholesterol levels of dog owners, 151
on chronic pain, 116
Cochrane Collaboration reviews of, 9
on combating ADHD in kids, 177
on contagion of obesity, weight loss, and happiness, 161–62
on counting sheep, 264
on curious scent intended to turn a woman on, 106–7
on depressed realists, 130
on distractions, 309
on drivers using cell phones, 341
on eaters watching Letterman vs. Leno, 21
on effect of a decent view in surgical recovery, 44
on effect of male B.O. on women, 295
epidemiological, confounding factors in, 90–91
on extreme low-calorie diets, 18
on failure of gym to undo harm of prolonged sitting, 64
on Finger Fitness, 307
on first-person-shooter video games, 330
on hard-to-read fonts, 2
on having a purpose in life, 4, 25
on health benefits of charity, 179–80
on health effects of frequent orgasms, 104
on heart attack rates of cat owners, 151
on heart attacks of German soccer fans, 163
on heart problems of big sitters, 66
on HIIT vs. steady-state exercise, 253
on holding hands under stress, 308
on how patients did with pills they knew were dummies, 124
human vs. animal, 90
on inadequacy of exercise schedules, 61
on keeping a food journal, 99
on keys to longevity, 25
Latest Study Syndrome in, 8–9
on laughing and stress, 144
on linking clean teeth and healthy heart, 195
on long-distance running, 33
on low but persistent health worries, 71
on marriage-health connection, 46–47
meta-analyses as focus in, 9
on mother-in-law’s tongue (plant), 28
on Mozart Effect, 167–68
on multitasking while eating, 21
on noise pollution and reading levels, 56
on optimism in heart patients, 70–71
on Oscar winners’ longevity, 1
on peaking of women’s language skills, 287
on placebo efficacy, 122–23
on political effect of hand sanitizing, 82–83
on rapid habit switching, 13
on raw food, 227
on rise of cancer among Finnish smokers, 90
on self-massage, 110
on shape, size, and color of pills, 123
on smarts of jocks vs. nerds, 175
on spicy foods, 137
on stress-disease connection, 142
on strolling in the park, 44
on sugar addiction, 229
with topsy-turvy eye charts, 329
on traffic deaths caused by cell phone use, 341
on T-supplements, 284
on undersleeping, 258
on UV light in tooth-whitening, 197
on value of faith in pills, 124
on visual cues for working out, 48
with Vizual Edge, 330
on watching sports, 163–64
on watching yourself eat, 23, 356
on wearing glasses, 327
on what noise does to taste, 59
on Wi-Fi’s harm to Dutch ash trees, 185
AJ’s T-aggression on, 297
decibel levels of, 59
fear of disaster on, 342
walking up and down the stairs of, 353
sugar, 229–32
damage done by, 229
dangerous concentrations of, in carbs, 93
defenders of, 229
in ersatz health food, 95, 96
food labeling translations of, 96
in healthy-looking mangoes, 230–32
our inherited craving for, 15
as Public Health Enemy number one, 229
risky sweet thoughts of, 229–30
in Standard American Diet (SAD), 92
Sullivan, Andrew, testosterone shots of, 285
sunglasses, noise-canceling headphones compared with, 58
vitamin D fans skeptical of, 241
when, where, and how much to apply, 240–41
sunscreen tube, squeezing of, 240
superfoods, list of, 59–60
supergerms, origins of, 79
Superman, three
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