» Philosophy » Maya And Leela: Utility In Life’s Futility - Santosh Jha (best inspirational books .txt) 📗

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living choices.

Everyone also knows that this dualism is the core trouble of humanity as whichever option you choose, it is laced with regrets in the short or long run, even when initially it may sound as the best and the right choice!

Often, we do not find the right answers of what we ask from ourselves or from others just because, our very questions are either not right or, we do not basically understand the nature and scope of the question we form in our heads, or ‘heart’ and ‘soul’.

At the very outset, it must be mentioned here that we all have a mind training, which our popular cultures make ingrained in our deep conscious and unconscious minds. Anyone who asks too many questions is considered a bad boy or girl and parents, teachers, seniors and even peers call such question-happy persons as ‘nagging’, ‘derailed’, ‘unintelligent’ and even very undisciplined.

This mind training by the popular culture of our civil society has disastrous impact on all budding minds as, ‘questions’ are not considered an intelligent and disciplined action. As all those, who think and show confidence that they know the ‘answers’, are hailed as genius and successful, the impressionable minds of kids and adolescents develop a tendency and ingenuity to formulate smart and socially navigable ‘answers’ rather than good questions. In this zeal for ‘answers’ their minds start imagining and ‘inventing’ those answers which land them in larger conveniences in their ambient cultural milieu.

Science has now established the ingenuity of mind mechanism. It says, “When confronted with the unpredictable, illogical and undecided questions, the cortex area of human brain (which processes ideas and thoughts), the so called thinking and rational mind, refuses to admit defeat.

It does so because defeat is socially inconvenient. Mind is quick to convert inconvenience of questioning pattern into the convenience of ‘smart’ answering pattern. It draws on all your computational abilities to search for patterns in random data.

“As there is none or little data (as questions are not understood and no logical answer available), in the absence of real patterns, the mind starts detecting illusory ones and even those, which are available in shred and pieces in the cultural milieu. In addition, it starts prompting you to act on them with huge amount of conviction and confidence, as is apt for a winner”.

We have already talked about why it is not possible for humanity to have the right data to base our answers on them. Things happened billions of years back and we are formulating questions based on the feeble and fickle data of those archetypal events. The answers can only be ‘smart’ ones, never the ‘true’ ones.

It has to be understood from the modern and contemporary knowledge of mind mechanism; how brain functions and why this dualism is not only essential and natural but also very useful for the growth and evolution of a person. Let us understand it.

Millions of years back, when living creatures had very un-evolved brain, they had no dualism. They did singularly what their raw and mechanical instincts led then to do. They would feel hunger or thirst and go for food. That would make them easy prey for predators. Later, their brain evolved and they developed dualism. Fear was first intelligence that made them survive as even when instinct told them to eat; they would fear, stop and look around, assess the threats and then proceed.

This new intelligence improved their survival. Dualism led them ask question to themselves and created a facility called ‘value-summation’ between two conflicting instincts called, ‘hunger and survival’. Fear, a negative thing for humans was the first intelligence. Questions afterwards became more complex and creatures became far smarter, leading them to better survival chances.

Simply speaking, a person with more questions in mind is surely a far more intelligent person than those who think, he or she has right answers. Intelligence is in allowing the higher brain to admit and process more ideas, thoughts and emotions which may enhance the ‘conflict and chaos’ in life but it is there to lead you to better survival chances. This is innate mind mechanism.

A section of scientists say, “Chimpanzees and humans have less than one percent different genes.” Still, we are far better than our ‘cousins’ because we have evolved brains, which is capable of processing larger inputs and thus making the outputs larger, complicated and even chaotic. But this is our strength; this is our superior intelligence.

This is because, chimpanzees have a very small and restricted culture and physical environment and we humans have a culture and physical environment hundreds of times vast and complicated than theirs. Naturally, our brains need to process millions of times more input info into our brains. This surely creates a huge diversity of outputs. The conflict and chaos is the result of it and this is good for humanity.

So, be sure; if your brain asks too many questions, it is for sure you are a genius, even if you do not have much answers to offer. You are far better than those pop-geniuses who feel they have all the answers in the world but no single true and right answers; no knowledge whatsoever of what the true and right questions are.

Then, take a step ahead; accept the multidimensionality of wisdom that humanity has created thus far. Take a holistic, assimilative and integrative view of the world around you. Understand the questions first. Be objective, compassionate and open to probabilistic multiverse of life and living situationalism. When you understand the right questions, are answers far away? They are inherent and wrapped in the question itself!

Try it and then taste the real joy of this intelligence of questions; of this ‘maya’ of troubling ‘conflicts, chaos and conflation’ of choices and options of life. You would surely love the dance and music of ‘maya’.


Obscure Joys of Entangled Communication

There is one important aspect of ‘maya’ structures and it is the mystically randomized nature of causality. We talked about this ‘mystical causality’ for unraveling the dynamics of immortality issue. Here we shall talk about causalities in a different domain of life and living confusion and conflict.

We shall talk about causality in holistic and assimilative way to understand how and why there seems a mystical ‘connection’ and ‘relationship-pattern’ between random and distinct elements and aspects of life and living. Synchronicity, clairvoyance, karmic connection, etc are the names given to this ‘mystical-connect’ and causality between what we perceive as random and independent elements of life and living.

Let us start. It is said, obscure is beautiful. Well, this was a common refrain decades ago when we were not living in a society fashioned by extremities of openness and transparency. The liberal world of ‘bare-all’ preferences may not adhere to this clichéd but, still, obscurity is a turn on, a definite curiosity call and still, a staple feedstock for artistes, mystics and also scientists.

What we know and is revealed to us is a boring proposition. Obscurity keeps the curiosity and interest alive and kicking. That is probably why, men find wives as boring and girlfriends interesting as later is still on the other side of the threshold of known and an idea muffled in obscurity! Sorry, no offence meant! Just an innocuous metaphor.

Dabbling in obscurity is truly mesmerizing. It gives you the leeway for expanding the horizon of your imaginations and often, illusionist interpretation of hypothesis in the realm of obscurity. In addition, if this obscurity is what science extends you as palette to paint your imagination, nothing better! It gives you a reasonably confident basis, not that you need one, anyway…!

We have a word that we use very cheekily in common parlance called ‘entanglement’. Science gives this word to us in somehow very interesting and obscure domain. This adds flavors and colors to it. How?

Quantum physicists use the term entanglement in a rather interesting connotation. It says, when two atoms are closely associated, they are in a state of ‘entanglement’. They say, “Take the two hydrogen atoms for example and take them to the opposite ends of the universe (about 42 billion light years apart). Now, change and observe the state of one of those electron’s spin, and the electron of the ‘entangled’ atom on the other side of the universe is changed at that same Planck Interval.”

This means, light speed does not regulate everything after all as, information from one entangled atom to another one reached in almost fractions of a second whereas the fastest thing in the universe, the light would have taken at least 42 billion years to reach the same distance!

Oh! Obscurity at its worst best! Isn’t it? In common language, we would say, it was like the speed of consciousness, our mind, which only has this speed to attain that! Some would say, what bonkers it is… ridiculous…! Please do not reject it summarily. Scientists say, “This exactly shows, in quantum realism that information, distinctly describable bits of information, can be communicated without needing to adhere to Einstein’s rule about light speed.”

Do not get puzzled and troubled. This energy is not always required to deny you the right to play with this energy and use it as a feedstock of mysticism, artistry as well as philosophizing. This is the real joy of it. Science and philosophy has this beautiful symbiotic relationship. Philosophy often feeds scientific quests and scientific quests often are subject-line of philosophizing. Therefore, the separating line of obscurity may be a strange energy but it is a useful one for probabilistic situationalisms of philosophizing obscurity.

What we have as raw stock for philosophizing are two words – ‘entanglement’ and ‘communication’. Before we go on to treat the multi-dimensionality of the two words, we need to reiterate here a reality check. First, it is for restrictive purpose of paradigm building for a very metaphoric-mechanism; having utility only for arriving at a dimension which otherwise may not be possible. Secondly, there is a clear-cut need not to confuse this idea with popular words and interpretations of culturally trained mind. If we stick to it, we can never ever enjoy the artistry of obscurity in its playful entirety.

What we can think of entanglement and communication can take infinite meanings. What we are attempting to philosophize about is an aspect of life and living that somehow suits to both the terms in a single framework. We are taking about the two ‘entangled’ entities of our ‘consciousness and intuitiveness’.

We probably cannot find any other two entities of our lives as ‘entangled’ as the quantum mechanism suggests in terms of particles. Of course, some can say that two lives, as distinct as anything can be very well termed as ‘more entangled’ when they are in ‘love’. True love, where the two identities melt into one single identity is a strong contender for ‘entanglement’, provided, love can reach such heights of nobility and honesty and two identities actually do melt completely and perfectly!

However, even if we consider these hypotheses to be true, we cannot be sure as this entanglement actually leads to the very denial of duality as melting down and being singular defeats the very ‘entangled’ criterion of dualism of identities. The dualism however of ‘consciousness’ and ‘intuitiveness’ of a single self is closer to the ‘entanglement’ mechanism. Everyone, who is living, experiences this dualism of his or her ‘self’ and the entanglement, even if obscure, it is always so excitably perceptible in daily life and living experiences. So, we pick up this one for philosophizing here.

The interpretative causality of this entanglement is truly exhilarating. The two identities of a consciousness and intuitiveness are almost like two sides of a coin. If a tail comes, you have a situation but there always remains a potential of head and its resultant situationalism in one’s life and both are inextricably entangled. The toss of tail always affects the untapped potential of heads and vice-versa. Similarly, the call of ‘consciousness’ in a particular life and living situation always affects the potential and probabilities of the ‘entangled’ call of ‘intuitiveness’.

In our lives, we

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