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A short poem conceived in the quiet of The Sahara.

Our society is plagued with many addictive substances. We must be educated about the severity of ingesting prescription drugs,cigarettes,alcohol and illegal drugs.

This is something that I jsut wrote. I was trying out a couple things that I don't usually do (not having it rhyme, changing the format a bit, etc.), so... It's not very good and it doesn't flow too well.

Solitary sometimes is where I go to renew my soul because I lost my way. The journey never ends to renew your soul because life will take your dreams away solitary is where I go because it gives me strength to face another day

This booklet is a culmination of poems which speak on the initial meeting, pursuit and capturing of a woman by love.

This is going to be my first poem book that i will finish it will probably have nothing to do with the stupid title but hey it works right my poems will be from the real me

words never gives always about what a lover keeps inside

Not much I can say about it. Some will notice this is different from most poems I have written. This poem is unique. It is meant to seem confused and desperate... which it is. That is how I felt when I wrote it, and that is how I feel now. You can read it if you want, but that is your choice. I have nothing more to say.