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Poems about a loved one that has pasted away! I wrote this because I miss my cousin. I wish I could have spent more time with him before he passed away. this is for anyone who is missing a lovd one!

Is there meaning at all for a soul in a doll? Our bodies are only containers for who we are. A tool to carry us through and find each other. We crave to build a nest in this life.

I've decided to bundle up the five poems I've written so far. 'Bleak' seemed like a fitting title, given the subjects which are dwelled on. Then all I had to do was choose an order that seemed logical, and there we are. Once I've written another five poems they'll go in a new bundle, and so on.

Two poems written back in 2003. I found the poems when I cleaned my old desk lately. I did not even know I still have them. Having read them again I still love them and would like to share them with you. I hope you enjoy them.