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Farid, a boy who likes nature, enjoys a sunny day in the sandy dunes of the desert building his sand castle. Deserts can be a fun place to take vacations, as Farid is doing with his friends and family.

This manly a documentation of my poems from experience's that I gone there and the way I was feeling. When the things happens this are my first Poems so please don't be to critical.

The Window Pane poem by Belinda Slider-Baker is about a simple window that holds a special friendship and love. It is where a friendship opens up and a love closes in.

Some of my inner-most thoughts put into words. From inspirational poetry about some of the people who've influenced my life, to poetry fiction; dark and macabre.

Sisena edició de Dotze poemes, la nostra serie publicada cada any per la festa del llibre de Sant Jordi. Aquest any 2016 amb temàtica "ciència i poesia". Un recull multilimgüe de poemes del domini públic i autors del segell ж3 en col.laboració amb Grosella i Grandalla, The GG02 Echo Network.

This is a bunch of poetry that I wrote. Mostly it's about love, but there are some other kinds, too. And, it's not quite done yet, but when it is, there will be a lot of poems. So, enjoy! P.S: Fell free to message me what you think. ;)

But... but.... I dun wanna do a blurrrrrrbbbbbbbbb!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't make meh. I'm serious, you can't. You've gotta read it for yourself to understand the amazingishness.