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The world is not what it seems to be, the truth is hidden behind beautifully painted porcelain masks, but sometimes, if you look carefully, you can see the rotten flesh.

Unigue Families is about how every single familie in this whole entire world is diffrent so you would have to watch out for things that might offend them.

Had an argument with my ex boyfriend.. The things he said... They hurt and inspired me to write this poem. I am not a poet, not in the least. Writing a poem is rare for me

So there it is, my new bundle of poems. It contains the poems 'The Raft', 'This Strange State', 'The Desert' and 'Crossroads' previously published, and a new one entitled 'The Power Of Words' as well. I named it 'The Author Prevails', after a line in that last poem, and also because everytime I finish a poem I feel like I've won a battle, like I've prevailed. I hope you enjoy it, and don't be shy to give me your opinions and advice.

Unmindful of everything around love captures every second and turns it into an experience worth shared. Relishing moments must linger forever in heart.

This is a book filled with a bunch of my poems that I wrote myself.

It took "Fuzzy black-boy kitty" three years to finally feel comfortable enough to enter James's home. Once he conquered his fear of humans...he became a self-proclaimed Prince. His throne was made-up of an old sweat-shirt atop a stack of plastic crates. His Subjects were a quirky crew of much-loved kitties Jame's had adopted from a nearby animal rescue. This is an anthropomorphic account of what must have been going through FBBK's head, when James passed away.