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This book is poems about how I feel inside of myself but I never really let the feelings show in front of others. The way I have felt for so long, and I feel like I cannot break free from feeling this way.

“I feel like I’m caught in a French, Black and White film about a nympho who falls in love with a schizophrenic." Sincere and sentimental, the poems in this book border between spiritually content and harrowing, unrequited devotion. Within the free flowing verses you'll find intricate and honest recollections both delicately simple and intensely passionate.

A collection of Gothic/Dark poetry written by me over a period of years. Though I have it G-rated, be advised that some poems in this book are about death, suicide, and so fourth.

i wrote this during a break up so it has a lot of pain & heatbreak in it, but yet it is important beucase it tells true feelings that many of us experience

Thoughts in words of the sheer agony of having a dream come true and then shattered.