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A faantastic book of some of my best love poems EVER, they are suprisinly good seing as a 12 year old wrote them right!? enjoy reading! :) !

The days become shorter and we have more time to ...

What my mind desired for my hand to write down, here are a bunch of small and longer poems.

dark thoughts swim through my bleak mind it can only be described as void empty black and consumes. I do hope to find understanding in myself i know you think i am the devil in this...I want to believe that someone will see these words for salvation

This is a poem that describes the life of a man from the day he was born until the day he dies. In truth, a person's life is already journey in itself that everyone must take.

What happens in the morning? Is it something great? No? Just sleepy people getting up!

Just a little thought rom this crazy mind of mine. I was looking up at the sky one day, and noticed how fast the clouds seemed to move. It reminded me of how dreams seem to escape us to.