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my book is about the poetry of the lifes of fruits for example mangos grapes and pineapples and more but anywa i wrote this book to tell you about fruit

A poem...A poem...A poem...A poem...A poem...A poem...A poem...A poem...A poem...A poem...A poem...A poem...A poem...A poem...A poem...A poem...YAY!

Lost, not because of me, well, not completely. Lost because of you. Lost from worrying about losing you, my best friend, my little girl. What would I do without you?

Remembering the blissful moment of getting kissed - an eternal war of love to prove yourself that you know the tactics of lips to let your sweetheart surrender to you.

This is probably the only poem that I've ever written that wasn't required for class. I don't usually write poetry, but I guess this is the exception.

More poems by me. Yes I know Im awesome and this is what you've been waitng for. I'm just playinG. This is more like my life instead of my feelings. More of like what goes down in my brains and not in my hearts