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Unexpected friends and loves is based off my personal experience with close friends good friends and just 2 girls who really have made me feel something I've never known before

A written letter to a crook about this dark vision he is stuck in and why he should get out of this as soon as he can before it is too late.

Rain is a natural thing. Something that can't be stopped or predicted. We use rain to symbolize so many things. Like sadness, and water...well you get my point.

"Each word bears its weight, so you have to read my poems quite slowly." -Anne Stevenson Not to say much, this is a collection of poems catering to different aspects of life and world. Happy reading!

in january 2011, an ingrid barcellona messaged me in facebook, this very words: " lance told me to tell you, dream on " it had been 4 years and i'm still not over you... it had been 4 years and i need to move on. so tell me, oh, tell me coz i want my heart to be free photograph:

"It" can be anything you see fit, but I had something specific in mind when writing it.