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A Poem about uncertainty whether someone feels hope, greatness or just despair. Not even the individual can be sure which it is, because feelings are volatile.

myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Poem about my boyfriend

This poem I wrote when my little sister expressed her views about the snow. I attempted to capture the image of what she was seeing, while still maintaining the depth and creativity that would make it interesting.

This is the story of a young woman joining a Navy. She can become a man longing for a woman, or keep her as a woman longing for a man. She can be straight, bi, or gay, she can be anyone or think in anyway. She is completely up to the imagination of what she looks like and what she is called. This is my way of telling her tale.

Where were you when the unthinkable happened? The courage, the loss, the giving of each other. The world stood still for days. I stood still longer.

this is just me, writing poems, something i just learned I liked to do, so I hope you like them, and give me a chance. oh and i will be updating the poems and all that stuff all the time.

There really isn't much to Blurb about this one. They are just poems I have wrote in the past. Some happy, some sad, some when I was mad, and some are even about love.

I had a friend that is an actual cowboy, he used to live on a ranch and rustle cows, groom horses,& he loved his life. This poem is for him!