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This book is a culmination of expressions from the heart. Inspired by life experiences itself, Words of Color will inspire the heart and mind.

this is an animal rights poem. this is book one out of 10. so i hope that all my readers will read these poems. these are poems that im quite proud to have written, because these poems are about the tortures that animals go through.

this is the first time i have actually written a blurb for one of my poems but i guess that i can say that this is like a prose poem. i usually dont write prose because i think its not actual poetry, but i hope my readers like it.

This book takes you through a vivid journey of life, It takes you through a journey through different emotions!

Come to read words, from the depths of the mind.

I worote this poem many years ago. My first Love. I looked through some old Advanced writing Works. This one caught my eye, because I remember vividly writing this poem. I Hope you enjoy.

poetry collection created for a sophomore English course. Emulation of poets, some artwork, reflections on one character found in a poem. Students were to write, edit, proofread and submit their work. Citations for artwork are required.