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Only people who know my life will get this but basically my dad is a jackass. So i was just writing down what i was feeling at the moment and i hope you like it.:)

This is just stuff I've written over the years...Some of it might seem stupid but oh well! I'm not a very good writer but please give me your honesty opinion (even if it's harsh)=P

My heart is open my mind is alert. Make way evoke me to move and never look back . Trusting what is ahead and beyond the stars and moon Rain! Rain!

My love I want to tell you, that I adore you but I'm not that self destructive materialistic cookie cutter image you want me to be steal my self worth hate me with your self righteous ridicule use me. You left me in a forever desert of endless despair And then I told myself I don’t care Your cruel insults going over and over in my mind making me cry over and over and each time and each day you try To get me to give up lose hope become defeated cut my wrist and die The lonely feeling and the

poetry can be dull and boring but it can also be humorous. i hope my poetry isn't too heavy.

This book contains all of my poetry that I have written over my life. Some of it will be happy or imature but most of it will be dark, raw, powerful and ful of my emotion. Happy readings