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This is what I have been feeling the past couple of months now and I finally decided to tell you guys what I am feeling. So of it is dark but it's how I fee :(

This book here, contains some of my random poems I wrote, just to describe my feelings. Do share your feedbacks on this. :)

A small poetry book that contains stories of people I've admired/loved in my life, using names of actors/models as titles and comparing them at some point with such.

“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.” ― Laurell K. Hamilton, Mistral's Kiss

This is someone telling their loved one, of what has happened to him/her, in the past.

Dr. Nadeem Abbas commonly known as Nadeem Naqvi an Urdu poet, scholar and littérateur from Pakistan. He is a land mark in the field of health care administration His Poetry style is romantic and religious. He has headed Darul Shifa General Hospital An ISO9000 Certified organization with the modern and sophisticated facilities of the field of health care administration, CEO of The Irtiqa Publication, A plate form who facilities those who can not published there books due to financial reasons and

This is just a book of a few of my poems I just picked out. I'm only 14 with no writing expirence so they probably suck. Just a heads up.

This is a collection of farly random poems in variouse sty;es all written by me. I saw that a lot of people have one of these books, and I would like to try one too. I hope you enjoy!