» Religion » Scripture and the End of the Age - Jesus Villalobos (english novels to read txt) 📗

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be counted by Noah from the anniversary of God’s commision to him to build the ark.

Again, we see Moses knew when God would deliver His people. He knew that he was the deliverer according to Psalms. He had calculated the years of slavery which would total 400 years according to God’s words to Abram in Genesis 15.

God has always told His people when His judgments were coming upon the world. He told Noah, He told Abram, He told Moses through Abram’s writings concerning these things. He told Daniel how many weeks of years until Messiah would die for the sins of mankind.

God has been consistant in telling His people about all major events. He has never tried to hide His agenda from mankind. Yet today’s leaders would have you believe that Jesus has somehow changed his tactics. Now He wants His judgments to be a surprise? Let’s get real. “I am the Lord Thy God, I change not!”

The rest of this book will concern what will happen
in the years prior to Jesus’ return. Jesus’ return will occur April 17th 2033. Too much information is needed to explain in this book, as to why I would make such a profound declaration. This is why I refer you to the above books to see my rationale for believing this date is shown in the Scriptures.

The above date is not complicated to arrive at; it is just that one needs to understand the basic pattern which is throughout the Word of God in order to arrive at this date. The pattern is shown throughout the Scriptures, but has not been shown by today’s theologians to their congregations.

It is a simple pattern which anyone can grasp once shown. There are many instances it occurs in the Scriptures which prove beyond any doubt that it exists. Once the pattern is established, one can understand easily how I came up with the exact date shown above.

Here is my understanding of how things will unfurl come December 21st 2012. The first thing is a world-wide UFO abduction of people. Some reading this book will immediately think I am following new age philosophy. This is not the case. I am aware of what the new age is teaching concerning the earth being purged of evil by the disappearance of millions.
This is not what I believe or subscribe too.

However, Jesus warns in Matthew 24 of those who will come in His name saying, “Behold He is in the desert; Behold He is in the inner chambers.” This is why I am saying what I am about to reveal to you.

Those who are going to try to seduce people (Christians included) into going with them under the false pretence of taking them to Jesus, are none other than those who took for themselves wives as many as they chose in Genesis chapter 6. Those same devils will return on the above date and counterfeit the rapture which according to Jesus will not occur until the sign of the Son of Man has occurred. Once again, this sign is three terrible days of darkness upon the entire world.

This darkness equates to the three days Jesus (the light of the world) went missing as He lay in the grave. See Isaiah 13:12-13 as my reference. But again it is too much to explain in this book. Get my book at the above mentioned sites. This will explain everything.

Those who are left behind will come up with many postulations as to why millions of people simply vanished. Christians, will think the rapture has occurred, but it is not the rapture which Jesus specified would not occur until after the sign of the Son of Man in His Matthew 24 discourse.

Matthew 24:29-31 is specific about this fact. Jesus states that the world will see the sign of the Son of Man first, and then Jesus will blow the great trumpet for the angels to gather the elect. Matthew 24:29-31. This is the one and only return of Jesus Scripture reveals. There are not two comings of Jesus as some erroneously preach.

Those who preach two comings are setting up their congregations to fall for the great lie which Jesus warned us about. “If they (these devils) say unto you, ‘Behold He is in the desert, believe them not;’ if they (these devils) say unto you, ‘Behold He is in the inner chambers, believe them not.” Remember, these devils are trying to deceive you to believe Jesus is arriving before the sign occurs.

New agers will believe this was the purging of the earth in order for the transcendence of those considered worthy to live on planet earth. Neither of these conclusions fits Scripture. What has occurred is that Satan has done exactly what he did during the days of Noah. They took for themselves whomever they chose! This is why Jesus warned us that it would be exactly as the days of Noah just before His true coming.

Okay, so millions have been abducted by these devils. Confusion as to what has happened escalates. Christians not taken believe they have missed the promised rapture. This is not the case, but they believe this due to the erroneous teaching of their pastors.

Some commit suicide rather than face the
tribulation. Some believe they cannot be saved and so abandon any semblance of following God anymore. Some are more observant and notice that this disappearance of millions took longer than the twinkling of an eye promised in the Scriptures and are perplexed.

It is this last set of believers who will begin to reevaluate what they had been taught by their pastors as to how end time events would play out. They will begin to understand that what has just happened across the globe was not the promised rapture, but a counterfeit.

This will cause them to read the Scriptures in a new light of understanding. They will begin to seek out others who they used to talk to who held a mid tribulation or post tribulation rapture understanding of the Scriptures. This is to their credit as it will lead them to retain their hope in Jesus.

Those who understood what I am writing in this as well as my other books will have already prepared their hearts and minds for this Satanic deception and will expect to lead those who are searching for answers at this time of chaos to the proper interpretation of the end time Scriptures.
They will have the answers because they chose to listen to sound doctrine. This is why the Word declares that the time will come when they (the Church world will not endure sound doctrine but will turn to fables), one of which is a teaching saying that there are two comings of Jesus; one for the Church and one for Israel.

This is not sound doctrine as Jesus only mentions one sign and one coming in His lengthiest discourse on end time events.

The problem is that people do not understand that the prophetic Scriptures about Ephraim are not talking about the tribe of Ephraim but rather the Church. But you will need to get my other book mentioned above for an explanation. Too much is required for a good explanation as to why the Church became Ephraim. As I have said, I do not subscribe to the British Israel theology. This is not Scriptural.

The above event of UFOs taking millions of people will set the stage for the beginning of the one world government which will arise at a later date. As the world struggles to come to grips with what has happened, the people of earth will turn to their respective governments for answers and for protection.

So we see that these abductions in 2012 will set the stage for the uniting of world governments under the guise of protecting the world from alien invasion. But this will prove to be the first step in receiving some of these UFO beings as benevolent instead of what they truly are which is the seed of Satan. This because they will claim to be against those who took humans as captives.

However, the initial reaction will be one of fear and terror. This will cause the governments of the world to unite to supposedly find the answer to what has happened. Their conclusions will prove to be the undoing of mankind with the exception of the true believers in Jesus who will figure it all out.
Unbeknownst to the general public, those in top places of governments know only too well what they are doing and have sold out their souls for the pleasures of this present world.

They are actually working with these devils to give them dominance over the earth. But as I have said, time will either prove my words or disprove them.
But the first stage as I have said is one of fear. The governments will unite under the guise of trying to defend the world from an invasion from outer space. But this will culminate in the world actually receiving these devils as benevolent (friendly). They will claim they are here to stop a worldwide nuclear war.

The real truth is that they already know God intends to destroy them with nuclear weaponry Isaiah 13:5. They are only interested in stopping God from fulfilling His desire to destroy their offspring who live in Iraq.

But this will begin the acceptance of these beings by the world just as it was in the days of Noah just before the flood. This is what Jesus prophesied would come to pass. His words will become all too real in the days ahead.

I find it interesting to note that president Ronald Reagan once stated that the only thing that would ever unite the world into one government would be an attack from outer space. How eerie and yet profoundly prophetic. Could it be that he knew something which he was not allowed to reveal at that time?

This is one reason why I state that those in power at the top know full well what their agenda is and are working feverishly to get it accomplished. They will indeed get exactly what they are working towards for a seven year period. But it will be destroyed by Jesus’ return to establish His kingdom upon the earth.

From 2012 and onward there will be much instability as a major transition in world power occurs. But this is not the only thing which will be occurring during these years. Due to the taking of millions of people by these devils, much property will be left behind by those unfortunate enough to have been abducted by these devils in this counterfeit rapture.

Their respective families will begin to quarrel over what was left behind causing major lawsuits to escalate over who should receive said properties. Thefts of things left behind will cause unrest as well as opportunistic thieves grab what they want in a free for all.

Murders will escalate as people fight over property and items left behind by these poor souls. Remember, this will be a worldwide event and will cause all these things to come to the forefront throughout the world. Crime will
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