Genre Religion. Page - 54
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Prepare the way for The LORD. This is a collection of divine letters from our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. These are letters of warning for all the children of GOD. To prepare for the kingdom of GOD is at hand, HE wants us to understand HIS requirements to be under HIS good grace. To have a garment that is free from stains, spots, and wrinkles.
„Keep with holy strength the grace from Me put over you and rely on those in heaven, who have great work upon you, and from you over My church of today, set apart by Me for Me, for those in heaven and for those in hell to take them out into the light and salva-tion, as for the resurrection of the dead I have come on the earth with My work of word to speak by it the renewal of the world and the resurrection of the dead, well, well, anointed sons.”