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This is about a cunning fox man called Liex, who made a contract with the Wright family. He is to be married with the first born female in the Wright family who is Ellexa. The Wright family never had a female in the family always had generations of males. But one night a human woman prayed for a female child. And so for that Liex popped up and heard her calls they were so loud. He made the contract that he would share his luck for her to bare a female child he said your family will be granted

An elven girl isn't trying to find love, but it finds her in two forms she will have to choose from and has to go through obstacles to get him.

This is a modern version of snow white and the seven dwarves.

Me- I'm pretty sure were high up. Ethan- We're not that high up. Me- Do you think we could ever be infinite? Ethan- If I love you enough, than yes. We could be infinite.

This Book Is About A Girl named maya she wazz going to church with her mom for the frist time There She Meet Hirashi Who Saved Her She Falls In Love With Him But Then She Meets A nEW bOY Named Haru They Had An Agressif Conversation Meeting Each Other But She Falled In love With Him Too But Her Best Friend Named haruka got jealus because she spent more time with them then she ever did with whne they were friends she tryss her most best to get them to never talk to each other!!But At the other

Harolds back but how will he take it when he finds out that his wife is 2months pregant WITH ANOVER MANS BABY.. or is it his

My names Lin short for linamey, And well I am just going to tell you one thing.