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Oaken has always been a haunted place ever since the war in 2001, but Oaken has never been as distraught as when Susan Mississippi turns out to be... Dead. Or is she? Now, when their home turns out to be in danger, four teenagers set out on the journey of a lifetime to save their home, but forces don't want them to succeed. They have to journey down the road of trust, loyalty, love, betrayal, friendship, courage and honesty. When everything seems to be falling apart will they pull it together

Ashley and Kyle are best friends but that all changes soon when Kyle is forced to move with his family to a new state. Will he come back? and if he does will things ever be the same?

The kindness of a stranger at a cinema goes a long way to a single mother.

Imma start putting my real name on the author things now. Just so no one gets confused lol. Anyways this book is about a girl named Sora Ichigo. She has an older brother named Andy Ichigo. Sora's always alone until one day

Ally Cupman has a dirty secret. She is in love with David Leo, a high school dropout and 22 year old. but will they be able to see each other.

Born in Russia, Rory Vailiev was born into a nobel family. He doesnt remember anything about living in Russia. He only remembers leaving and going to America. The year is 2014, and World War 4 is started by the Russian Empire. Europe is slowly taken over, and America sends the Military to fight the wars. Drafting men and women to the army. After Rory's mother died, he moved to Minnesota with his beloved, Luka Mikhal. But he is forced to endure the fear of Luka being drafted everyday. But Rory

"Why do I have to marry him, Mom? I don't even know him." I shrieked at her."I'm just 21. I have my whole life ahead of me. There's so much I wish to do. I want to travel to various places, roam into the forests, have lots of pets, and most of all I want to be a wildlife photographer. There's no place for marriage in my life at this point. I just got my degree." I came down to a whisper as I ended my babbling, tears sprinted in the corner of my eyes.

Gayety And Dynamite "Barinia, The Young Stranger Has Arrived." "Where Is He?" "Oh, He Is Waiting At The Lodge." "I Told You To Show Him To Natacha's Sitting-Room. Didn't You Understand Me, Ermolai?" "Pardon, Barinia, But The Young Stranger, When I Asked To Search Him, As You Directed, Flatly Refused To Let Me." "Did You Explain To Him That Everybody Is Searched Before Being Allowed To Enter, That It Is The Order, And That Even My Mother

i wrote this about the 1 that i'm with now & i love them so much=) sooo very much i love this poem! i hope you do as well=) thankz 2 my fans!