Genre Romance. Page - 218
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This is book about a girl name Anastasia, who starts her first year of high school. she thought that everything was going to be great, she thought that she was going to fit in with the crowd, be popular and have many friends and boyfriends. Instead she is bullied by everyone in her grade. she is treated like a nobody, dirt for example. Until she meets this very handsome boy, who starts going to the same school as her only hangs out with her and everyone gets peanut butter and jealous. Haha.
How can you discover happiness? If it's there, will you appreciate its presence and make the most out of it before it's too late? Or will you walk away and just let it go? Katelyn never wears a smile on her lips since that day her world shattered. Her only friend is her headphones, her iPod, and her beautiful passion towards music. The only thing she can do is to tightly close her eyes and earnestly wish, "I hope this time I'll find happiness." with her heart saying those words. The