» Science » An Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis - Henry P. Talbot (ereader manga txt) 📗

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acid are necessary to neutralize 50 cc. of the basic solution?

!Answer!: 74.18 cc.

22. One gram of crude ammonium salt is treated with strong potassium hydroxide solution. The ammonia liberated is distilled and collected in 50 cc. of 0.5 N acid and the excess titrated with 1.55 cc. of 0.5 N sodium hydroxide. Calculate the percentage of NH_{3} in the sample.

!Answer!: 41.17%.

23. In titrating solutions of alkali carbonates in the presence of phenolphthalein, the color change takes place when the carbonate has been converted to bicarbonate. In the presence of methyl orange, the color change takes place only when the carbonate has been completely neutralized. From the following data, calculate the percentages of Na_{2}CO_{3} and NaOH in an impure mixture. Weight of sample, 1.500 grams; HCl (0.5 N) required for phenolphthalein end-point, 28.85 cc.; HCl (0.5 N) required to complete the titration after adding methyl orange, 23.85 cc.

!Answers!: 6.67% NaOH; 84.28% Na_{2}CO_{3}.

24. A sample of sodium carbonate containing sodium hydroxide weighs 1.179 grams. It is titrated with 0.30 N hydrochloric acid, using phenolphthalein in cold solution as an indicator and becomes colorless after the addition of 48.16 cc. Methyl orange is added and 24.08 cc. are needed for complete neutralization. What is the percentage of NaOH and Na_{2}CO_{3}?

!Answers!: 24.50% NaOH; 64.92% Na_{2}CO_{3}.

25. From the following data, calculate the percentages of Na_{2}CO_{3} and NaHCO_{3} in an impure mixture. Weight of sample 1.000 gram; volume of 0.25 N hydrochloric acid required for phenolphthalein end-point, 26.40 cc.; after adding an excess of acid and boiling out the carbon dioxide, the total volume of 0.25 N hydrochloric acid required for phenolphthalein end-point, 67.10 cc.

!Answer!: 69.95% Na_{2}CO_{3}; 30.02% NaHCO_{3}.

26. In the analysis of a one-gram sample of soda ash, what must be the normality of the acid in order that the number of cubic centimeters of acid used shall represent the percentage of carbon dioxide present?

!Answer!: 0.4544 gram.

27. What weight of pearl ash must be taken for analysis in order that the number of cubic centimeters of 0.5 N acid used may be equal to one third the percentage of K_{2}CO_{3}?

!Answer!: 1.152 grams.

28. What weight of cream of tartar must have been taken for analysis in order to have obtained 97.60% KHC_{4}H_{4}O_{6} in an analysis involving the following data: NaOH used = 30.06 cc.; H_{2}SO_{4} solution used = 0.50 cc.; 1 cc. H_{2}SO_{4} sol. = 0.0255 gram CaCO_{3}; 1 cc. H_{2}SO_{4} sol. = 1.02 cc. NaOH sol.?

!Answer!: 2.846 grams.

29. Calculate the percentage of potassium oxide in an impure sample of potassium carbonate from the following data: Weight of sample = 1.00 gram; HCl sol. used = 55.90 cc.; NaOH sol. used = 0.42 cc.; 1 cc. NaOH sol. = 0.008473 gram of KHC_{2}O_{4}.H_{2}C_{2}O_{4}.2H_{2}O; 2 cc. HCl sol. = 5 cc. NaOH sol.

!Answer!: 65.68%.

30. Calculate the percentage purity of a sample of calcite (CaCO_{3}) from the following data: (Standardization); Weight of H_{2}C_{2}O_{4}.2H_{2}O = 0.2460 gram; NaOH solution used = 41.03 cc.; HCl solution used = 0.63; 1 cc. NaOH solution = 1.190 cc. HCl solution. (Analysis); Weight of sample 0.1200 gram; HCl used = 36.38 cc.; NaOH used = 6.20 cc.

!Answer!: 97.97%.

31. It is desired to dilute a solution of hydrochloric acid to exactly 0.05 N. The following data are given: 44.97 cc. of the hydrochloric acid are equivalent to 43.76 cc. of the NaOH solution. The NaOH is standardized against a pure potassium tetroxalate (KHC_{2}O_{4}.H_{2}C_{2}O_{4}.2H_{2}O) weighing 0.2162 gram and requires 49.14 cc. How many cc. of water must be added to 1000 cc. of the aqueous hydrochloric acid?

!Answer!: 11 cc.

32. How many cubic centimeters of 3 N phosphoric acid must be added to 300 cc. of 0.4 N phosphoric acid in order that the resulting solution may be 0.6 N?

!Answer!: 25 cc.

33. To oxidize the iron in 1 gram of FeSO_{4}(NH_{4}){2}SO{4}.6H_{2}O (mol. wgt. 392) requires 3 cc. of a given solution of HNO_{3}. What is the normality of the nitric acid when used as an acid? 6FeSO_{4} + 2HNO_{3} + 2H_{2}SO_{4} = 3Fe_{2}(SO_{4}){3} + 2NO + 4H{2}O.

!Answer!: 0.2835 N.

34. The same volume of carbon dioxide at the same temperature and the same pressure is liberated from a 1 gram sample of dolomite, by adding an excess of hydrochloric acid, as can be liberated by the addition of 35 cc. of 0.5 N hydrochloric acid to an excess of any pure or impure carbonate. Calculate the percentage of CO_{2} in the dolomite.

!Answer!: 38.5%.

35. How many cubic centimeters of sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1.84, containing 96% H_{2}SO_{4} by weight) will be required to displace the chloride in the calcium chloride formed by the action of 100 cc. of 0.1072 N hydrochloric acid on an excess of calcium carbonate, and how many grams of CaSO_{4} will be formed?

!Answers!: 0.298 cc.; 0.7300 gram.

36. Potassium hydroxide which has been exposed to the air is found on analysis to contain 7.62% water, 2.38% K_{2}CO_{3}. and 90% KOH. What weight of residue will be obtained if one gram of this sample is added to 46 cc. of normal hydrochloric acid and the resulting solution, after exact neutralization with 1.070 N potassium hydroxide solution, is evaporated to dryness?

!Answer!: 3.47 grams.

37. A chemist received four different solutions, with the statement that they contained either pure NaOH; pure Na_{2}CO_{3}; pure NaHCO_{3}, or mixtures of these substances. From the following data identify them:

Sample I. On adding phenolphthalein to a solution of the substance, it gave no color to the solution.

Sample II. On titrating with standard acid, it required 15.26 cc. for a change in color, using phenolphthalein, and 17.90 cc. additional, using methyl orange as an indicator.

Sample III. The sample was titrated with hydrochloric acid until the pink of phenolphthalein disappeared, and on the addition of methyl orange the solution was colored pink.

Sample IV. On titrating with hydrochloric acid, using phenolphthalein, 15.00 cc. were required. A new sample of the same weight required exactly 30 cc. of the same acid for neutralization, using methyl orange.

!Answers!: (a) NaHCO_{3}; (b) NaHCO_{3}+Na_{2}CO_{3}; (c)NaOH; (d)

38. In the analysis of a sample of KHC_{4}H_{4}O_{6} the following data are obtained: Weight sample = 0.4732 gram. NaOH solution used = 24.97 cc. 3.00 cc. NaOH = 1 cc. of H_{3}PO_{4} solution of which 1 cc. will precipitate 0.01227 gram of magnesium as MgNH_{4}PO_{4}. Calculate the percentage of KHC_{4}H_{4}O_{6}.

!Answer!: 88.67%.

39. A one-gram sample of sodium hydroxide which has been exposed to the air for some time, is dissolved in water and diluted to exactly 500 cc. One hundred cubic centimeters of the solution, when titrated with 0.1062 N hydrochloric acid, using methyl orange as an indicator, requires 38.60 cc. for complete neutralization. Barium chloride in excess is added to a second portion of 100 cc. of the solution, which is diluted to exactly 250 cc., allowed to stand and filtered. Two hundred cubic centimeters of this filtrate require 29.62 cc. of 0.1062 N hydrochloric acid for neutralization, using phenolphthalein as an indicator. Calculate percentage of NaOH, Na_{2}CO_{3}, and H_{2}O.

!Answers!: 78.63% NaOH; 4.45% Na_{2}CO_{3}; 16.92% H_{2}O.

40. A sodium hydroxide solution (made from solid NaOH which has been exposed to the air) was titrated against a standard acid using methyl orange as an indicator, and was found to be exactly 0.1 N. This solution was used in the analysis of a material sold at 2 cents per pound per cent of an acid constituent A, and always mixed so that it was supposed to contain 15% of A, on the basis of the analyst's report. Owing to the carelessness of the analyst's assistant, the sodium hydroxide solution was used with phenolphthalein as an indicator in cold solution in making the analyses. The concern manufacturing this material sells 600 tons per year, and when the mistake was discovered it was estimated that at the end of a year the error in the use of indicators would either cost them or their customers $6000. Who would lose and why? Assuming the impure NaOH used originally in making the titrating solution consisted of NaOH and Na_{2}CO_{3} only, what per cent of each was present?

!Answers!: Customer lost; 3.94% Na_{2}CO_{3}; 96.06% NaOH.

41. In the standardization of a K_{2}Cr_{2}O_{7} solution against iron wire, 99.85% pure, 42.42 cc. of the solution were added. The weight of the wire used was 0.22 gram. 3.27 cc. of a ferrous sulphate solution having a normal value as a reducing agent of 0.1011 were added to complete the titration. Calculate the normal value of the K_{2}Cr_{2}O_{7}.

!Answer!: 0.1006 N.

42. What weight of iron ore containing 56.2% Fe should be taken to standardize an approximately 0.1 N oxidizing solution, if not more than 47 cc. are to be used?

!Answer!: 0.4667 gram.

43. One tenth gram of iron wire, 99.78% pure, is dissolved in hydrochloric acid and the iron oxidized completely with bromine water. How many grams of stannous chloride are there in a liter of solution if it requires 9.47 cc. to just reduce the iron in the above? What is the normal value of the stannous chloride solution as a reducing agent?

!Answer!: 17.92 grams; 0.1888 N.

44. One gram of an oxide of iron is fused with potassium acid sulphate and the fusion dissolved in acid. The iron is reduced with stannous chloride, mercuric chloride is added, and the iron titrated with a normal K_{2}Cr_{2}O_{7} solution. 12.94 cc. were used. What is the formula of the oxide, FeO, Fe_{2}O_{3}, or Fe_{3}O_{4}?

!Answer!: Fe_{3}O_{4}.

45. If an element has 98 for its atomic weight, and after reduction with stannous chloride could be oxidized by bichromate to a state corresponding to an XO_{4}^{-} anion, compute the oxide, or valence, corresponding to the reduced state from the following data: 0.3266 gram of the pure element, after being dissolved, was reduced with stannous chloride and oxidized by 40 cc. of K_{2}Cr_{2}O_{7}, of which one cc. = 0.1960 gram of FeSO_{4}(NH_{4}){2}SO{4}.6H_{2}O.

!Answer!: Monovalent.

46. Determine the percentage of iron in a sample of limonite from the following data: Sample = 0.5000 gram. KMnO_{4} used = 50 cc. 1 cc. KMnO_{4} = 0.005317 gram Fe. FeSO_{4} used = 6 cc. 1 cc. FeSO_{4} = 0.009200 gram FeO.

!Answer!: 44.60%.

47. If 1 gram of a silicate yields 0.5000 gram of Fe_{2}O_{3} and Al_{2}O_{3} and the iron present requires 25 cc. of 0.2 N KMnO_{4}, calculate the percentage of FeO and Al_{2}O_{3} in the sample.

!Answer!: 35.89% FeO; 10.03% Al_{2}O_{3}.

48. A sample of magnesia limestone has the following composition: Silica, 3.00%; ferric oxide and alumina, 0.20%; calcium oxide, 33.10%; magnesium oxide, 20.70%; carbon dioxide, 43.00%. In manufacturing lime from the above the carbon dioxide is reduced to 3.00%. How many cubic centimeters of normal KMnO_{4} will be required to determine the calcium oxide volumetrically in a 1 gram sample of the lime?

!Answer!: 20.08 cc.

49. If 100 cc. of potassium bichromate solution (10 gram K_{2}Cr_{2}O_{7} per liter), 5 cc. of 6 N sulphuric acid, and 75 cc. of ferrous sulphate solution (80 grams FeSO_{4}.7H_{2}O per liter) are mixed, and the resulting solution titrated with 0.2121 N KMnO_{4}, how many cubic centimeters of the KMnO_{4} solution will be required to oxidize the iron?

!Answer!: 5.70 cc.

50. If a 0.5000 gram sample of limonite containing 59.50 per cent Fe_{2}O_{3} requires 40 cc. of KMnO_{4} to oxidize the iron, what is the value of 1 cc. of the permanganate in terms of (a) Fe, (b) H_{2}C_{2}O_{4}.2H_{2}O?

!Answers!: (a) 0.005189 gram; (b) 0.005859 gram.

51. A sample of pyrolusite weighing 0.6000 gram is treated with 0.9000 gram of oxalic acid. The excess oxalic acid requires 23.95 cc. of permanganate (1 cc. = 0.03038 gram FeSO_{4}.7H_{2}O). What is the percentage of MnO_{2}, in the sample?

!Answer!: 84.47%.

52. A solution contains 50 grams of KHC_{2}O_{4}.H_{2}C_{2}O_{4}.2H_{2}O per liter. What is the normal value of the solution (a) as an acid, and (b) as a reducing agent?

!Answers!: (a) 0.5903 N; (b) 0.7872 N.

53. In the analysis of an iron ore containing 60% Fe_{2}O_{3}, a sample weighing 0.5000 gram is taken and the iron is reduced with sulphurous acid. On account of failure to boil out all the excess SO_{2}, 38.60 cubic centimeters of 0.1 N KMnO_{4} were required to titrate the solution. What was the error, percentage error, and what weight of sulphur dioxide was in the solution?

!Answers!: (a) 1.60%; (b) 2.67%; (c) 0.00322 gram.

54. From the following data, calculate the ratio of the nitric acid as an oxidizing agent to the tetroxalate solution as a reducing agent: 1 cc. HNO_{3} = 1.246 cc. NaOH solution; 1 cc. NaOH = 1.743 cc. KHC_{2}O_{4}.H_{2}C_{2}O_{4}.2H_{2}O solution; Normal value NaOH = 0.12.

!Answer!: 4.885.

55. Given the following data: 25 cc. of a hydrochloric acid, when standardized gravimetrically as silver chloride, yields a precipitate weighing 0.5465 gram. 24.35 cc. of the hydrochloric acid are exactly equivalent to 30.17

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