» Science » The Story of the Heavens - Sir Robert Stawell Ball (ebook reader for laptop .TXT) 📗

Book online «The Story of the Heavens - Sir Robert Stawell Ball (ebook reader for laptop .TXT) 📗». Author Sir Robert Stawell Ball

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is something very startling in the idea of two suns circling round each other, separated by an interval which, in comparison with their diameters, is only a very small one. In the Algol system, for instance, we have two bodies, one the size of our own sun and the other slightly larger, moving round their common centre of gravity in less than three days, and at a distance between their surfaces equal to only twice the diameter of the larger one. Again, in the system of Spica we have two great suns swinging round each other in only four days, at a distance equal to that between Saturn and his sixth satellite. But although we have at present nothing analogous to this in our solar system, it can be proved mathematically that it is perfectly possible for a system of this kind to preserve its stability, if not for ever, at any rate for ages, and we shall see in our last chapter that there was in all probability a time when the earth and the moon formed a peculiar system of two bodies revolving rapidly at a very small distance compared to the diameters of the bodies.

It is possible that we have a more complicated system in the star known as b Lyrae. This is a variable star of great interest, having a period of twelve days and twenty-two hours, in which time it rises from magnitude 4-1/2 to a little above 3-1/2, sinks nearly to the fourth magnitude, rises again to fully 3-1/2, and finally falls to magnitude 4-1/2. In 1891 Professor Pickering discovered that the bright lines in the spectrum of this star changed their position from time to time, appearing now on one side, now on the other side of corresponding dark lines. Obviously these bright lines change their wave length, the light-giving source alternately receding from and approaching to the earth, and the former appeared to be the case during one-half of the period of variation of the star's light, the latter during the other half. The spectrum of this star has been further examined by Belopolsky and others, who have found that the lines are apparently double, but that one of the components either disappears or becomes very narrow from time to time. On the assumption that these lines were really single (the apparent duplicity resulting from the superposition of a dark line), Belopolsky determined the amount of their displacement by measuring the distances from the two edges of a line of hydrogen (F) to the artificial hydrogen line produced by gas glowing in a tube and photographed along with the star-spectrum. Assuming the alternate approach and recession to be caused by orbital revolution, Belopolsky found that the body emitting the light of the bright lines moved with an orbital velocity of forty-one miles. He succeeded in 1897 in observing the displacement of a dark line due to magnesium, and found that the body emitting it was also moving in an orbit, but while the velocities given by the bright F line are positive after the principal minimum of the star's light, those given by the dark line are negative. Therefore, during the principal minimum it is a star giving the dark line which is eclipsed, and during the secondary minimum another star giving the bright line is eclipsed. This wonderful variable will, however, require more observatioens before the problem of its constitution is finally solved, and the same may be said of several variable stars, _e.g._ e Aquilae and d Cephei, in which a want of harmony has been found between the changes of velocity and the fluctuations of the light.

There are some striking analogies between the complicated spectrum of b Lyrae and the spectra of temporary stars. The first "new star" which could be spectroscopically examined was that which appeared in Corona Borealis in 1866, and which was studied by Sir W. Huggins. It showed a continuous spectrum with dark absorption lines, and also the bright lines of hydrogen; practically the same spectrum as the stars of Type II.b. This was also the case with Schmidt's star of 1876, which showed the helium line (D3) and the principal nebula line in addition to the lines of hydrogen; but in the autumn of 1877, when the star had fallen to the tenth magnitude, Dr. Copeland was surprised to find that only one line was visible, the principal nebula line, in which almost the whole light of the star was concentrated, the continuous spectrum being hardly traceable. It seemed, in fact, that the star had been transformed into a planetary nebula, but later the spectrum seems to have lost this peculiar monochromatic character, the nebula line having disappeared and a faint continuous spectrum alone being visible, which is also the case with the star of 1866 since it sank down to the tenth magnitude. A continuous spectrum was all that could be seen of the new star which broke out in the nebula of Andromeda in 1885, much the same as the spectrum of the nebula itself.

When the new star in Auriga was announced, in February, 1892, astronomers were better prepared to observe it spectroscopically, as it was now possible by means of photography to study the ultra-violet part of the spectrum which to the eye is invisible. The visible spectrum was very like that of Nova Cygni of 1876, but when the wave-lengths of all the bright lines seen and photographed at the Lick Observatory and at Potsdam were measured, a strong resemblance to the bright line spectrum of the chromosphere of the sun became very evident. The hydrogen lines were very conspicuous, while the iron lines were very numerous, and calcium and magnesium were also represented. The most remarkable revelation made by the photographs was, however, that the bright lines were in many cases accompanied, on the side next the violet, by broad dark bands, while both bright and dark lines were of a composite character. Many of the dark lines had a thin bright line superposed in the middle, while on the other hand many of the bright lines had two or three points maxima of brightness. The results of the measures of motion in the line of sight were of special importance. They showed that the source of light, whence came the thin bright lines within the dark ones, was travelling towards the sun at the enormous rate of 400 miles per second, and if the bright lines were actual "reversals" of the dark ones, then the source of the absorption spectrum must have been endowed with much the same velocity. On the other hand, if the two or three maxima of brightness in the bright lines really represent two or three separate bodies giving bright lines, the measures indicate that the principal one was almost at rest as regards the sun, while the others were receding from us at the extraordinary rates of 300 and 600 miles per second. And as if this were not sufficiently puzzling, the star on its revival in August, 1892, as a tenth magnitude star had a totally different spectrum, showing nothing but a number of the bright lines belonging to planetary nebulae! It is possible that the principal ones of these were really present in the spectrum from the first, but that their wave lengths had been different owing to change of the motion in the line of sight, so that the nebula lines seen in the autumn were identical with others seen in the spring at slightly different places. Subsequent observations of these nebula lines seemed to point to a motion of the Nova towards the solar system (of about 150 miles per second) which gradually diminished.

But although we are obliged to confess our inability to say for certain why a temporary star blazes up so suddenly, we have every cause to think that these strange bodies will by degrees tell us a great deal about the constitution of the fixed stars. The great variety of spectra which we see in the starry universe, nebula spectra with bright lines, stellar spectra of the same general character, others with broad absorption bands, or numerous dark lines like our sun, or a few absorption lines only--all this shows us the universe as teeming with bodies in various stages of evolution. We shall have a few more words to say on this matter when we come to consider the astronomical significance of heat; but we have reached a point where man's intellect can hardly keep pace with the development of our instrumental resources, and where our imagination stands bewildered when we endeavour to systematise the knowledge we have gained. That great caution will have to be exercised in the interpretation of the observed phenomena is evident from the recent experience of Professor Rowland, of Baltimore, from which we learn that spectral lines are not only widened by increased pressure of the light-giving vapour, but that they may be bodily shifted thereby. Dr. Zeeman's discovery, that a line from a source placed in a strong magnetic field may be both widened, broadened, and doubled, will also increase our difficulties in the interpretation of these obscure phenomena.



The Pole is not a Fixed Point--Its Effect on the Apparent Places of
the Stars--The Illustration of the Peg-Top--The Disturbing Force
which acts on the Earth--Attraction of the Sun on a Globe--The
Protuberance at the Equator--The Attraction of the Protuberance by
the Sun and by the Moon produces Precession--The Efficiency of the
Precessional Agent varies inversely as the Cube of the
Distance--The Relative Efficiency of the Sun and the Moon--How the
Pole of the Earth's Axis revolves round the Pole of the
Ecliptic--Variation of Latitude.

The position of the pole of the heavens is most conveniently indicated by the bright star known as the Pole Star, which lies in its immediate vicinity. Around this pole the whole heavens appear to rotate once in a sidereal day; and we have hitherto always referred to the pole as though it were a fixed point in the heavens. This language is sufficiently correct when we embrace only a moderate period of time in our review. It is no doubt true that the pole lies near the Pole Star at the present time. It did so during the lives of the last generation, and it will do so during the lives of the next generation. All this time, however, the pole is steadily moving in the heavens, so that the time will at length come when the pole will have departed a long way from the present Pole Star. This movement is incessant. It can be easily detected and measured by the instruments in our observatories, and astronomers are familiar with the fact that in all their calculations it is necessary to hold special account of this movement of the pole. It produces an apparent change in the position of a star, which is known by the term "precession."

The movement of the pole is very clearly shown in the accompanying figure (Fig. 100), for which I am indebted to the kindness of the late Professor C. Piazzi Smyth. The circle shows the track along which the pole moves among the stars.

The centre of the circle in the constellation of Draco is the pole of the ecliptic. A complete journey of the pole occupies the considerable period of about 25,867 years. The drawing shows the position of the pole at the several dates from 4000 B.C. to 2000 A.D. A glance at this map brings prominently before us how casual is the proximity of the pole to the Pole Star. At present, indeed, the distance of the two is actually lessening, but afterwards the distance will increase until, when half of the

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