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She never believed in the supernatural, now she will chanege her mind.

Honestly is it really alright for me to walk around in raves and watch ravers and pick them as my prey to feed on. No it isn't but some times you do what you have to do. That's if I should contine my own kind to continue the bloodline of which my parents chose for me to continue with who ever the hell is my bethrothed. But alas theres always that one person who saves you.

What happens when all of the hope that you put in one person is taken away from you right in front of your eyes? What happens when all you have left is a cave?

A cocky robber, not only robbed the bank of millions, but was not found until he turned himself in. It is in this book you see his confession.

A wolf pack fights for survival with adversity from both natural and modern elements and finds strength among each other.

Where could that child prodigy ever have gotten his training?

Un aniversario mas para Anne sin la presencia de Johnny, ha pasado mucho tiempo desde su partida pero a ella le parece que todavia puede oir su risa, escucharlo hablar y sentir su abrazo. Aun lo ve sonreir, no puede olvidar a su gran amor...

This is one of my earliest memories of when I was a child. I was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes when I was 5, and it was 2 months before I turned 6. I was in the hospital for 3 days, but out of school for almost a month because I could not stop vomiting. This is the memory I have of first coming back to Kindergarten.

For the Drabbles competition, A struggling student succumbs to a tutor's grisly methods of instruction.