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Chelsea keeps having the same recurring dream. It is wreaking havoc on her life. When she finds out the root cause of her nightmares, her discovery is startling.

As I was waiting for my friend the idea came across me. What COULD happen when we die? The story is about an average man who experiences what we all will experience sooner or later.

How cats can be honorable. They are affable and gregarious. Only if people knew how to talk to them, bond with them. I wish people will see true nature of cats.

This is a microstory i wrote in the school as a homework I had some fun while I was writing it^^ Please excuse my english, normally I speak German :)

You never will know what will happen till it's too late. Messing with the wrong guy can lead to trouble... The wrong guy, the wrong message can lead to trouble, well it did for rosaline. Hunted down, stolen away, forever gone. Who knows where...

This is my entry for the memories writing contest in which I explore converstaions I had with my Mother prior to her death. She was the most important person in my live and her wisdom still lives on.

This is a historical fiction short story that is based around the Liu family that rules the country of Shu during the warring 'Three Kingdoms' of China. Set circa 200 A.D.

This is a true story of a spooky experience I had several years ago. At no time was it frightening, just interesting and unusual. It is the story of a deceased loved one who came back for a brief visit.