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He walked out of the prison with a strong determination to start an honest life.

When one thinks of a time machine, he imagines all the exotic adventures he could take. But what if a large firm were to get their hands on one and let its legal and compliance department have a say? How could they foul up a perfectly wonderful invention? One man is about to find out.

A group of series of short stories about a person and the pills they use to cope with their problems. sometimes you are just 1 pill short from being happy.

Some of people are looking for love but the other ones are dying for love. For Lada love is a wonderful thing, she knows that this world will be much better if people could live happily ever after with their lovers. Will Lada finally reveal her lover? Or will a plate of delicious sea food gives her an incredible lover? She will tell us the secret of the greatest love of all from a man who has not got a recipe for love.

Communication gap on account of inviting guests was the reason between the couples for misunderstanding.

A new career as a travel agent leads to an unforgettable trip on board a classic ship. A chance meeting paints a colorful historic picture in the blue waters of the Pacific.

It lurks in the corners veiled by shadows, unseen and unheard by those whose minds are too full, too stuffed with useless facts and memories. But sometimes, it escapes. Every so often, it frees itself from its constricting chains, consuming all who come in its way... They say it comes around suddenly. I say different.