Mushrooms: how to grow them - William Falconer (if you give a mouse a cookie read aloud .txt) 📗
- Author: William Falconer
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Book online «Mushrooms: how to grow them - William Falconer (if you give a mouse a cookie read aloud .txt) 📗». Author William Falconer
Dwelling House, 18
Ordinary, 21
Outhouse, 18
Pent-up, 17
Unheated, 17
Vegetable, 12
Warm, 19
Wholly Devoted to Mushroom Growing, 15
Cellars, 10
Artificial Heating, 17
Cool, Airy, 20
Flat Roofed Mushroom, 18
Mushrooms in, 25
Potato, 18
Underground, 15, 27
Cistern, Large Underground, 18
Coal, Nut and Stove, 33
Cold and Vermin, 19
Cooking Mushrooms, 150
Crop, Common Average, 30
Gathering the, 17
Marketing the, 14
Yielding, 31
Crops, Capital, 17
Cut Flower Season, 11
Dirt, Roadside, 101
Doors, Double, 16
Outside, 35
Single, 16
Drip, Cold, Falling upon Beds, 36
Crop Suffering From, 51
From Benches, the Effects of, 51
In Commercial Greenhouses, 52
Plan for Warding off, 52
Dust and Noxious Gas, 17
Entrance, 16
Entrance Pits, 30
Economy, False, 37
Families, Private, 18
Farmers, 13
Flies, Manure, 126
Manure, Ill-favor of, 126
Manure Perfectly Harmless, 127
Fire, Danger of, 33
Flock, 132
How General is, 134
The Cause of, 133
The Habits and Manner of Growth of, 133
The Worst Mushroom Disease, 132
What it Looks Like, 134
What is, 133
Floor, A Dry, Necessary, 47
Common Earth, 47
Dry, 35, 39
Earthen, 21
Flooring, 29
Fogging Off, 106, 131
Favorable Conditions for, 132
The Cause of, 131
Florists, 11
Florists' Greenhouses, 10
Frame, Boxed-up with Straw Covering,* 19
Covered with Calico, 20
Covered with Oiled Paper, 20
Common Hotbed Box, 45
Preparing Beds in the, 46
Shading the, 47
Spawning in, 46
Frost, Hoar, 35
To Exclude, 40
Fruit Room, 12
Furnace, Boxed off, 17
Gardens, Private, 37
Grapery, Beds and Frames Inside the, 13
Greenhouse Bench, Boxed Mushroom Bed Under,* 41
Greenhouse Benches, Among Other Plants on, 48
Greenhouse Benches, On, 42
Greenhouse Benches, Under, 47
Greenhouses, Beds in Open, Airy, 53
Cool, 41
Growing Mushrooms in, 41
In Frames in, 44
Steam-heated, 48
Growers, Parisian, 60
Heat, Artificial not Absolutely Necessary, 17
Fire, 17
Parching, 17
Heater, Base-burning Water,* 32
Vertical Section,* 32
Heating Apparatus, 28
Hoe, Angular-pointed, 23
Hops, Spent, 68
Spent, Cost Nothing, 69
Horses, Those who Keep, 13
Hotbed Frames, 44
House, A Mushroom, 34
Cow, 13
Ground Plan of Mrs. Osborne's Mushroom,* 36
In Dwelling, 18
Interior Arrangement of Mushroom, 37
Interior View of Mr. Henshaw's Mushroom,* 38
Mr. Samuel Henshaw's, 37
Mushroom, Built Against North-facing Wall,* 34
Section of Mrs. Osborne's,* 35
Houses, Fruit-forcing, 12
Growing Mushrooms in Rose, 49
Lettuce, Mushrooms in, 50
Tomato-forcing, Mushrooms in, 49
Well-sheltered in Winter, 34
Insecticide, Common Salt as an, 113
Leaves, Condition of, to Heat, 68
Fermenting, Beds Composed of, 68
Oak, the Best, 67
Quick-rotting, 67
Tree, 67
Lettuce House, Moisture of, 10
Lice, Wood, 129
Loam and Manure, 11
Mixed, 72
Mixed, Temperature of, 77
Mixed, To Prepare, 73
Loam, Coating, 20
Common, for Casing, 100
Containing Old Manure, 101
Fibrous, Mellow, Best for Earthing Over, 103
Fresh Sod, 100
Heavy, Clayey, 101
Ordinary Field Soil, 26
Sod, Reasons for Use of, 73
Topdressing with, 107
Lot, Village or Suburban, 13
Manure, 13
Baled, 64
Cellar, 62
City Stable, 63
Common Horse, 21
Cow, 65
Cow, Necessary in Manufacture of Spawn, 66
Drying by Exposure, 71
Fermenting Fresh Horse, 24
"Fire-fanged," 62
Firmly Packed, 70
Flies, 124, 126
Fresh, 12
Fresher the Better, 58
From City Stables, 26
German Peat Moss Stable, 66
Handling, 35
Homemade, 60
Horse, 57
Hog, Mycelium Evades, 63
Liquid, 113
Liquid, Cow and Sheep, 113
Of Entire Horses, 60
Of Horses fed with Carrots, 61
Of Mules, 62
Preparation of the, 69
Preserve the Wet and Strawy Part, 60
Proper Condition of, 72
Sawdust Stable, 66
Selected, 63
Steaming Hot, 24
The Best, 57
To Prevent "fire-fang" in, 70
Turning the, 14, 71
Warm, 13
Well-rotted, 14
Without Preparatory Treatment, 22
Market, A Good, 25
Gardener, 9, 15
Gardening near New York, 9
Markets, Brooklyn, 26
In Winter, 10
Materials, Exhausted, 16
For Beds, Fresh, 16
Waste of, 17
Method, Mr. Denton's, 25
Mr. Gardner's, 21
Mr. Van Siclen's, 27
Methods, Avoiding Complicated, 21
Mice and Rats, 130
Different Kinds of, 130
Fond of Mushrooms, 130
Mice, How they Disfigure Mushrooms, 130
Mites not a Mushroom Pest, 130
The Home of, 130
Two Kinds of, Common, 130
Moisture, Condensation of, 46
Mold on Beds, How Deep to Put, 105
Money, Pin- 14
Mushroom, A Perfect,* 116
Affected with Black Spot,* 125
Bed Built Flat on the Ground,* 52
Bed Five Feet Wide, Profit from, 12
Bed, Rigid,* 53
Beds, 11
Beds in England, How made, 137
Beds, Making up the, 74
Beds, Manure-fatted Loam in, 26
Beds, Manure for, 57
Beds, Mr. Wilson's,* 51
Beds on Greenhouse Benches, Objection to, 42
Beds, Sites for Around London, 137
Cellar, Perspective View of the Dosoris,* 58
Crop, 13
Flock-Diseased,* 133
Food, 24
Growing in the Paris Caves, 143
Growing Out of Doors a Specialty, 136
Growing, Profit of, Around London, 136
Growing, Success in, 12
House, A Regular, 12
House, Best Kind of, 11
House, Cellar Everybody's, 15
House, Damping Floors of, 115
Houses, Cleaning the, 135
Houses, Growing Mushrooms in, 34
Houses, Ideal, 15
Houses, Whitewashing, 135
Season Closed, 31
Spawn, 78
The "Horse," 48
A Winter Crop, 14
Advantages of Pulling over Cutting, 117
After a Dry Summer, 55
And Grapevines, 13
Black Spot in, 124
Cause of Black Spot in, 124
English, 115
Filling Stump Holes with Fresh Loam, 117
Five Inch Diameter before Expanding, 47
For Family Use, 13
For Soups, When to Pick, 116
Fresh, 12
From Natural Spawn, 48
From October Until May, 30
Gathering and Marketing, 115
Gathering Field and Wild, 118
Gathering in Cold Weather, 140
Good, 19
Growing in Cellars, 15
Growing in Fields, 54
Growing, in Narrow Troughs, 59
Growing in Ridges Around London, 136
Growing in Sawdust, 67
Grown on Greenhouse Benches,* 43
Growth of from Spawning under Different Temperatures, 110
Head Room, 19
Importance of Care in Gathering and Packing for Shipment, 119
In August and September, 56
In Crates and Baskets, 118
In the Fields, Plan of Growing, 55
Insect and Other Enemies of, 122
Knack in Pulling, 117
Maggots in, 122, 124
"Maggots" in, appear in April, 123
Maggots, Size of, in, 123
Marketed in Paper Boxes, 118
Marketing, 118
Not a Bulky Crop, 11
On Greenhouse Bench Under Tomatoes, 45
Packed in Punnets for London Market, 119
Picking so as not to Disturb Buttons, 117
"Pin-Head," 107
Profit on, Clear Gain, 51
Proper Manner of Picking, 116
Pulled, Keeping Qualities of, 117
Scooping Out the Stumps, 117
Sold by the Pound, 118
Sorting and Packing for Market, in England, 141
Summer Crops of, 123
Under the Benches, 11
When Fit to Pick, 115
Who Should Grow, 9
Wild, 55
Mulching, When to Remove, 42
Mycelium, Liquid to Encourage Spread of, 77
Odor, Bad, 20
Outbuildings, 12
Paper, Building, 52
Oiled, 18
Passage-ways, 18
Pathways, 16
Peat Moss, Bale of German, 66
Pipes, Heating, 17
Hot, Injury from, 48
Hot Water, 23
Sheet Iron, 27
Smoke, 33
Private Gardeners, 12
Rats, More Destructive than Mice, 131
Recipes for Cooking and Preserving Mushrooms, 150
A la Casse, Tout, 157
A la Crême, 154
Baked, 152, 156
Broiled, 154, 156
Broiled Beefsteak and, 158
Cooked, General Directions for Serving, 152
Cooking, 150
Cooking, General Preparation of, for, 151
Curried, 154
Dried, 160
Gilbert's Breakfast, 156
Ketchup, 160, 161, 162
Kind of, to Select for, 150
Pickled, 162
Potted, 155
Powder, 159
Soup, 154
Soyer's Breakfast, 153
Stems, 155
Stewed, 153, 157
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