Dani is a wild girl, that always says what's on her mind. she's always dranging rylie her best friend with her. dani gets raped by her dad, and find out it wasn't even her dad. she get together with robby and they find her dad. "her mom doesn't know about her wild life, but will she ever find out? this is a series. i wanted three different points of view, so my 14 year old sister did rylie's view and my 12 year old sister Makaylyn did, joey's witch is rylies little sister. all in all there

Penguin and Whale's exciting adventures continue when Whale discovers a strange new place in the Open Water area. There at the "Flora Reef", Whale sings along with new friends he meets, including a young Dolphin named Mammy. Your children will dazzle in delight as they read and play along with Penguin and Whale!

This book is the first of a series called "New Life" When a scientist carelessly leaves the cage unlocked to an unstable expiriment, Lola or as they called her Shadow Wolf escapes out into the outside world. When she was a pup she was expirimented on therefore her hatred towards humanity causes her to go on a killing rampage, her jet black fur ketting her slip among the shadows, killing her victems silently.....................

Dani is a wild girl, that always says what's on her mind. she's always dranging rylie her best friend with her. dani gets raped by her dad, and find out it wasn't even her dad. she get together with robby and they find her dad. "her mom doesn't know about her wild life, but will she ever find out? this is a series. i wanted three different points of view, so my 14 year old sister did rylie's view and my 12 year old sister Makaylyn did, joey's witch is rylies little sister. all in all there

Penguin and Whale's exciting adventures continue when Whale discovers a strange new place in the Open Water area. There at the "Flora Reef", Whale sings along with new friends he meets, including a young Dolphin named Mammy. Your children will dazzle in delight as they read and play along with Penguin and Whale!

This book is the first of a series called "New Life" When a scientist carelessly leaves the cage unlocked to an unstable expiriment, Lola or as they called her Shadow Wolf escapes out into the outside world. When she was a pup she was expirimented on therefore her hatred towards humanity causes her to go on a killing rampage, her jet black fur ketting her slip among the shadows, killing her victems silently.....................