2 rival gangs, 2 ex lovers and 1 murder. When one of the brawlers was murdered on the Chixx territory, the 2 rival gangs are on the verge of war. Can old love stop more bloodshed or will it be the spark setting off the war?! This is going to be a short story and will continue to get updated until its finished :D

Das ist jetzt mal nur ein Gedicht von mir. Ich schreibe Englisch, weil ich das besser kann als deutsch und weil mir dazu mehr einfällt, die Frage nehm ich euch vorweg, da sie mir so oft schon gestellt wurde :) In diesem Gedicht geht es vor allem um unerfüllte Liebe, die gibt es eigentlich in jedem Leben mal, ich hab es nicht direkt in Bezug auf eine Erfahrung geschrieben. Es kommen noch mehr Gedichte von mir, ich hoffe sie gefallen euch!! =)

A girl has lost everything she was uses to. She now has to find a way to show the ones that want her to give up her powers to her younger brother before her eighteenth birthday. There is one porblem with that. She has to fight off a family that wants what she has to protect. She has to believe her friends can help her and figure away to honor the old traditions.

Coree had given up on wishes after years of blowing out birthday candles and wasting coins in fountains. But one night she wishes on a star and it falls from the sky. She had wished for love and now she has him a boy with eyes like smoke and smile thats alluring like his voice. But thats not all, he is so much more. His secret is safe with her but her own safety becomes at risk when those from his unbelieveable past come after him.

This book is a testimony of a transformed life of a troubled child growing up in a dysfunctional home who was not equipped to handle the world. It is an example of what happens to children who become adults physically, but not emotionally or spiritually. Foolish decisions and immaturity lead to a life not pleasing to anyone. Thankfully, major events culminate in a new found life in Jesus Christ. This book is for those who are struggling with life in this world.

2 rival gangs, 2 ex lovers and 1 murder. When one of the brawlers was murdered on the Chixx territory, the 2 rival gangs are on the verge of war. Can old love stop more bloodshed or will it be the spark setting off the war?! This is going to be a short story and will continue to get updated until its finished :D

Das ist jetzt mal nur ein Gedicht von mir. Ich schreibe Englisch, weil ich das besser kann als deutsch und weil mir dazu mehr einfällt, die Frage nehm ich euch vorweg, da sie mir so oft schon gestellt wurde :) In diesem Gedicht geht es vor allem um unerfüllte Liebe, die gibt es eigentlich in jedem Leben mal, ich hab es nicht direkt in Bezug auf eine Erfahrung geschrieben. Es kommen noch mehr Gedichte von mir, ich hoffe sie gefallen euch!! =)

A girl has lost everything she was uses to. She now has to find a way to show the ones that want her to give up her powers to her younger brother before her eighteenth birthday. There is one porblem with that. She has to fight off a family that wants what she has to protect. She has to believe her friends can help her and figure away to honor the old traditions.

Coree had given up on wishes after years of blowing out birthday candles and wasting coins in fountains. But one night she wishes on a star and it falls from the sky. She had wished for love and now she has him a boy with eyes like smoke and smile thats alluring like his voice. But thats not all, he is so much more. His secret is safe with her but her own safety becomes at risk when those from his unbelieveable past come after him.

This book is a testimony of a transformed life of a troubled child growing up in a dysfunctional home who was not equipped to handle the world. It is an example of what happens to children who become adults physically, but not emotionally or spiritually. Foolish decisions and immaturity lead to a life not pleasing to anyone. Thankfully, major events culminate in a new found life in Jesus Christ. This book is for those who are struggling with life in this world.