"And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him." Revelation 12:9 Armegeddon begins here. The ultimate war which wages between Heaven and Hell. The main players: God and Lucifer. The rest are only pawns upon this great chess board. And Sarine is stepping off it, once and for all.
Hey people's, my name is Dawn Radke and I'm currently 14 years old. According to my best friend Kate I'm a "Drama Starter". And according to Vic Fling, well according to him I'm pretty sure I don't exist. That is considering the fact that he wont talk to me. But according to Skylar my mom's boyfriends son I'm "The Best Girl He Could Have Ever Known". Is it wrong that I like him too? What will happen if he asks me out? He's my soon to be step-brother, I cant say yes. Can I?
Not a sequel just another point of view. Louis Matthews hopes to spend his time off work, relaxing and enjoying peaceful time when he gets a call telling him that one of his good friend’s house has been broken into. He has to take on responsibility to protect Samantha Moore the sister-in-law to his friend and his friend’s little girl to keep them out of trouble. He winds up having a job to do on his days off. Keeping Samantha from trouble is a tough task but he finds himself fighting off love
"And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him." Revelation 12:9 Armegeddon begins here. The ultimate war which wages between Heaven and Hell. The main players: God and Lucifer. The rest are only pawns upon this great chess board. And Sarine is stepping off it, once and for all.
Hey people's, my name is Dawn Radke and I'm currently 14 years old. According to my best friend Kate I'm a "Drama Starter". And according to Vic Fling, well according to him I'm pretty sure I don't exist. That is considering the fact that he wont talk to me. But according to Skylar my mom's boyfriends son I'm "The Best Girl He Could Have Ever Known". Is it wrong that I like him too? What will happen if he asks me out? He's my soon to be step-brother, I cant say yes. Can I?
Not a sequel just another point of view. Louis Matthews hopes to spend his time off work, relaxing and enjoying peaceful time when he gets a call telling him that one of his good friend’s house has been broken into. He has to take on responsibility to protect Samantha Moore the sister-in-law to his friend and his friend’s little girl to keep them out of trouble. He winds up having a job to do on his days off. Keeping Samantha from trouble is a tough task but he finds himself fighting off love