The story opens in Melbourne in the mid 21st Century, as the world is on the brink of a calamitous nuclear conflict. Our hero, Simon Redhead, is a young university student who is unaware that his genetic make-up has conspired to make him a manifestation of the 'Everlasting Hero'. Simon is saved from the forces of evil that are also looking for him and taken to FirstWorld, where he learns about its history and the eternal battle between Law and Chaos into which he is to be thrust. FirstWorld is
The books involve the travels and discussions of Lemuel Gulliver XVI, a direct descendant of the famous explorer. Commander Gulliver was sent on a twenty-five year mission around the solar system to find a possible home for the world’s excess population. He found none. On returning to Earth he and his friends have visited several countries and discussed with state leaders and academics various questions of import for the world. He is telling of his experiences in a series of books that he has
"With Unravel, Michelle Johnson-Lane has created a novel full of twists and turns and OMG moments that will keep you riveted throughout. It was an enjoyment to read and work on. The anticipation rises page by page and I guarantee you will not see the end coming. This novel is anything but boring and is a thoroughly good read." —Crystal, Come share life experiences through the eyes and ears of a child with a black mother and a white father during the time of
The story opens in Melbourne in the mid 21st Century, as the world is on the brink of a calamitous nuclear conflict. Our hero, Simon Redhead, is a young university student who is unaware that his genetic make-up has conspired to make him a manifestation of the 'Everlasting Hero'. Simon is saved from the forces of evil that are also looking for him and taken to FirstWorld, where he learns about its history and the eternal battle between Law and Chaos into which he is to be thrust. FirstWorld is
The books involve the travels and discussions of Lemuel Gulliver XVI, a direct descendant of the famous explorer. Commander Gulliver was sent on a twenty-five year mission around the solar system to find a possible home for the world’s excess population. He found none. On returning to Earth he and his friends have visited several countries and discussed with state leaders and academics various questions of import for the world. He is telling of his experiences in a series of books that he has
"With Unravel, Michelle Johnson-Lane has created a novel full of twists and turns and OMG moments that will keep you riveted throughout. It was an enjoyment to read and work on. The anticipation rises page by page and I guarantee you will not see the end coming. This novel is anything but boring and is a thoroughly good read." —Crystal, Come share life experiences through the eyes and ears of a child with a black mother and a white father during the time of